In the spotlight: the Sunday newspaper, episode 2

In the spotlight the Sunday newspaper episode 2

The first issue, let’s remember, had been marked by a gross photo error on the front page of the newspaper. This time, it’s a helmeted policeman who appears on the front page, with this title: ” The police demand justice. The police can no longer bear to be “presumed guilty” “. THE JDD returns to the death of Mohamed, at the beginning of July in Marseille, probably killed by an LBD shot. Three police officers are indicted, which arouses a generalized movement of anger within the police.

On the political side, the Sunday newspaper questioned the former Socialist Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls: ” I refuse, he said, the concept of police violence “. A former minister who therefore grants himself the right to speak to the new weekly weekly… What others forbid themselves: the Renaissance deputies of the presidential majority are instructed not to give an interview to the JDD. Finally, an important clarification: this second issue edited by Geoffroy Lejeune contains almost no advertising. Release revealed this week that the paper’s main advertisers, including some very large clients, weren’t exactly keen on the idea of ​​advertising in this new version of the Sunday newspaper.

The ravages of lack of water…

Climate, biodiversity, civilization : what the trees tell us is the front page of Point. And the subject is far from trivial, at a time when even biodiversity reserves are in danger. Point thus went to the forest of Rambouillet near Paris, where ” trees suffer from water scarcity. Water that reaches the lower branches but does not always reach the top “.

Parasites, germs take advantage of this to settle, and the tree is nibbled from the inside he ends up dying. And what about the inhabitants of the forest. They too suffer from lack of water. Point worries about the fate of the nimble little frog: Where are your young newt friends and green tree frogs, you are quite alone in this pond in the forest of Rambouillet “. At this time of year, there should be nimble frogs everywhere. It must be said that in this year 2023, a crucial element has been missing : and again, it’s water “.

… and those of esotericism

Concern and even anger at the rise of esotericism. A file of more than twenty pages in The Express. ” Mediums, astrologers, shamans, witches or even druids : occult practices seduce more and more “, notes the weekly, which fires red balls on what it calls the ” pseudo-science “. Oracles, numerologists, astrologers, marabouts… In the same vein, we also find ecologists tempted by ” the irrational » and « conspirators with mystical and antivax tendencies “.

Nothing finds favor in the eyes of The Express, which however gives the floor to a more conciliatory voice: that of Denise Lombardi. ” In our modern society, deciphers this researcher at the CNRS, we are looking for a solution that can be found in an elsewhere, temporal or spatial. It can be an archaic and ancestral past, or practices hidden in an Amazonian forest or a Mongolian yurt. However, the researcher calls for a certain openness: “ Thinking that shamans are just charlatans and abusive people, she says, is an ineffective reductionism, with the risk of putting a lid on all these practices, which is not useful to understand them “. A warning that The Express didn’t seem to hear well.

Training for the neo-rich

The question is on the agenda for Lotto winners, jackpot winners who overnight become millionaires. A sacred vein? Well it’s not that simple, to the point that La Française des jeux organizes training to help them cope! This is what tells us The Obs this week, which encountered several overall very reasonable winners.

Like Jean, who won the trifle of 8.5 million euros, but who kept his job as a security guard. ” I like my job, my colleagues too, he says. I can’t see myself doing nothing. “There is also Thomas, who confesses to having watched, the first night, “ the price of sports cars and big houses. Eventually, he adds, we bought a used station wagon and a small cabin. The money goes fast, you shouldn’t waste this crazy chance “. Finally, there are those who value their peace of mind so much that they don’t say they’ve hit the jackpot. ” A heavy secret to bear said one. But secrets like this, many dream about…
