Kaspersky, the Russian antivirus that we will have to avoid

Kaspersky the Russian antivirus that we will have to avoid

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In the current context, the use of certain digital tools, in particular the tools of the Kaspersky company, may be questioned because of their links with Russia. “. It is the French Agency for the cybersecurity of computer systems (Anssi) which says so in its latest report published on March 2, on the cyber threat linked to international tensions.

After having drawn up the table of the different types of attacks in progress by hackers from Ukraine, Belarus and russianthe agency responsible for the cyber defense of fundamental French infrastructures, gives its opinion on the use of digital tools linked to Russia by pointing the finger at the most famous of them.

Admitting that, for the moment, nothing can indicate that theanti-virus Kaspersky has changed its quality level, the agency specifies that the isolation of Russia and the high risk of cyberattacks against this type of company could undermine the security of systems protected by Kaspersky. As a result, updates to the tool might stop or prove incomplete against new threats.

Kaspersky already in the sights of the United States

Anssi emphasizes that before disabling and uninstalling this security solution, it should be replaced by another. For the moment, only Kaspersky is affected by this recommendation. However, there are other software popular people of Russian origin. It must be said that the Russian cybersecurity company has already been the subject of serious accusations by the United States in 2017.

The firm was suspected of serving as bridge for spying and data exfiltration. It would even have allowed Russian pirates to break into the servers from the NSA to extract powerful hacking tools. As a result of these cases, Kaspersky solutions were banned US administrations. The company has always denied these allegations.

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