Large battery storage for electricity is to be built in Norrköping

The purpose of the facility is to be able to take care of the electricity that is not used. The storage should be able to stabilize the electricity grid, as we produce and use different amounts of electricity.

But where in Norrköping the facility is to be built and what kind of company is behind the venture, municipal councilor Reidar Svedal (L) is tight-lipped about.

– It is good that we solve a problem so that Sweden gets safe and balanced electricity. At the same time, it’s sad that we have come to a situation where we have to pay money to be able to get rid of the electricity we don’t need. It is better that we build an electricity system where this is needed less, he says.

But how will it work? And are there any risks in collecting large quantities of batteries this way? Hear Reidar Svedal’s answer in the clip.
