Today ends the solstice in Destiny 2, the summer event of the loot shooter. Not only do the event rewards disappear, but also the fancy grass decorations. So tonight, players can expect the familiar concrete gray look of the tower in the Last City again. What else is changing this week, we show you in this article.
This is happening this week: There are now exactly 14 days until the new Season 22 in Destiny 2 starts with the big showcase for “The Final Form”. But until then, the activities of the current “Season of the Deep” will rotate through again today.
This mission in particular is really interesting if you want to know the current top information about the story. However, Bungie also had to admit that they hid the veil containment a little too well, which meant that hardly anyone followed the activity in Season 21.
But don’t worry: you can still play the mission. And if you’re just getting started, you can also watch several recordings in a row at your leisure.
The Veil Containment activity will continue for the remaining two weeks of Season 21, and more entries will be unlocked at the start of Season 22 and Season 23.
Unfortunately, the green summer decoration will also disappear from the tower today. The event is over and Eva will not be seen again for a few months. The solstice will then return, with new luminous armour, probably not until next year.
Destiny 2 lights the fires in Solstice Event 2023
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The most important information about activities from 08. to 15.08.
Earn this Dusk Weapon this week: The Braytech Osprey rocket launcher. You get the master version of the weapon from the front runner.
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
Farmable endgame in weekly rotation: Legacy rotations await as the endgame progresses.
Both the rotation raid and the rotation dungeon are farmable. That means you can complete the individual encounters again and again to get different items and complete your collection. Including any Exotics available in that content.
Weekly Activities
With the weekly reset, a number of activities and challenges have again been updated that allow players to become better Guardians through repetition.
Lightfall – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
If you still need triumphs from the dream city, then watch out: The corruption reveals you new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 21
More power level comes automatically: Last season, Bungie experimented with a new system that left Destiny 2’s hard power level cap unchanged from Season 21. The community welcomed this change, which is why it will be maintained in the coming Season 22.
However, if you are not currently at the hard cap of 1,810, we have listed the best sources for top loot here for you.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
Everversum’s offerings are currently under severe criticism. According to Bungie, the resources are too scarce to provide new armor parts with each expansion. In return, however, the developer creates three to five new paid armor sets per season for Eververse, such as the crossover sets for 19.99 euros or 2000 silver each.
But patient Guardians can sooner or later snag almost any Emote, Ornament, or Exo-Car in the Bright Dust sale without spending any extra Silver.
Here’s a list of what’s available this week, like these three armor ornaments.
You can find more offers for shaders at Ada-1 in the extension of the tower. A detour is also worthwhile here if you still have gaps in the collection.
Destiny 2: Armory Boss Becomes the New Fashion Queen – Sells shaders that Guardians have long wanted back
What did you buy for silver in Destiny 2 in Eververse? Or are you one of those players who only rely on glitter dust and thus diligently earn the opportunity to shop in Everversum? You are welcome to leave us your balance sheet in the comments.
Destiny 2 reveals 10 gameplay changes for upcoming content, killing bounties, gambit and power level grind