OpenAI introduced GPTBot blocking support based on ChatGPT

OpenAI introduced GPTBot blocking support based on ChatGPT

OpenAI, Based on ChatGPT “GPTBot” Provided blocking support. So how exactly will this pay off?

The name behind ChatGPT OpenAI now GPT (like GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) used to help train language models, and for It allows blocking of GPTBot, which scrapes data from websites. According to the statement, website owners can now block GPTBot via the Robots.txt file of their site or directly block the IP address. In this respect “Allowing GPTBot to access your site can help AI models provide more accurate answers and improve their overall capabilities and security.” who says that is, implicitlyIt would be great for us if you open” giving the message OpenAI, you know, in order not to use the data in ChatGPT in the training process. offers a personalized setting option. When that setting is turned on, the conversations you make with the chatbot are not used for training the GPT language model. The official Android app was launched in Turkey last week. ChatGPT in particular the latest there was news of an update. According to the official statement on this subject, the new features that will be available for the artificial intelligence service in the coming days are as follows: will be:


1. Prompt examples: A blank page can be daunting. That’s why aNow at the beginning of a new conversation, you will see examples to help you get started.
2. Suggested answers: Dig deeper with a click. ChatGPT now suggests relevant ways to continue your chat.
3. GPT-4 by default: When starting a new chat as a Plus user, ChatGPT will remember the pattern you previously selected. This way there is no longer going back to the GPT-3.5 major language model by default.
4. Uploading multiple files: You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze the data and generate insights across multiple files. This feature is available in Code Interpreter beta for all Plus users.
5. Keep logged in: You will no longer be logged out every two weeks! When you need to log in, you will be greeted with a much nicer page.
6. Keyboard shortcuts: ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + ; to copy the last code block; Work faster with shortcuts like Try ⌘ (Ctrl) + / to see the full list.
