Pregnancy and constipation: what to do?

Pregnancy and constipation what to do

Digestive disorders are very common during pregnancy. Many expectant mothers in particular suffer from slow transit and constipation. How to explain it and remedy it? Answers from Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, and Magali Le Mardeley, dietitian.

Acid reflux, diarrhea, heartburn, and nausea are common to many pregnant women. Many, about one in three, also suffer constipation. Without seriousness, constipation can become painful and disabling when prolonged. The explanation for this slowed transit during pregnancy is twofold. At the start of pregnancy, the rise in progesterone levels will slow down the work of the intestinal muscles. When the term approaches, the uterus becomes much larger and compresses the intestine. Add to that a decrease in physical exercise, and we get an explosive cocktail for the digestive system!

On the same subject

Constipation during pregnancy: focus on hydration!

Magali le Mardeley, dietician, insists on the need for future mothers to drink enough water.You have to stay hydrated throughout the day, favoring water rich in magnesium such as Hepar or Rozana “, she recommends. A glass of cold water in the morning when you wake up will also stimulate transit. During the day, in addition to mineral water, pregnant women can consume herbal tea but also fresh fruit juice, without however overdoing it.

Foods to focus on

To combat constipation during pregnancy, eating a diet rich in fiber is key. “We must ensure to consume enough fruit, two to three each day. The vegetables must also be present for lunch and dinner”, explains the dietician. Among the foods to be favored: apples, citrus fruits, prunes, figs, spinach, green beans, but also salsify, artichokes, tomatoes, cauliflower, bran, turnips, nuts, legumes. Conversely, we should avoid rice, squash and foods rich in fat.

Get moving … and take your time to have a bowel movement!

In addition to paying particular attention to diet, it is important to continue to have regular physical activity, ideal for relaunching transit. Active walking, yoga, swimming, all the activities compatible with pregnancy. “In addition to dietary measures, I also recommend listening to your body. One thing is very important in particular: you have to have a bowel movement as soon as you feel the need, even if you are not at home. If you wait too long, the stool becomes drier and goes back up into the rectum. They are then more difficult to eliminate “, explains Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

The latter also insists on the need to adopt an optimal position in the toilet.You have to put your feet on a small step, lean forward, and above all, don’t push down, just let it go “, recommends the midwife.It’s a good exercise for childbirth too! Recognize this need and this feeling, without pushing too soon, but accompanying with the breath when the body manifests the need “, she explains.

Constipation during pregnancy: when to consult?

The modification of the diet and a good hydration are generally enough to restart the transit. But sometimes constipation lasts beyond several days and causes pain and discomfort. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or midwife to discuss this problem. During pregnancy, taking a laxative, even a light one, must be prescribed by a specialist. Anh-Chi Ton recommends a cure of psyllium, or Indian plantain, which can be found in organic stores or pharmacies and which will relaunch smooth transit. Homeopathy also gives very good results, for example Alumina 5 CH and Bryonia 5 CH, but it is always better to do a checkup with a doctor before starting. If the constipation is accompanied by vomiting, bleeding and / or abdominal pain, however, you should consult without delay.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, and Magali Le Mardeley, dietitian.

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