Politicians, singers… Pascale Lafargue and Sandrine de Montmort, or worldly esotericism

Politicians singers Pascale Lafargue and Sandrine de Montmort or worldly

Seated in the lounge of the Hotel Lutetia in Paris, Pascale Lafargue, former flight attendant at Air France, expert and teacher of parapsychology and, according to her, the reincarnation of Mathilde, princess of Tuscany, knight of the Middle Age. A few days earlier, on the panoramic terrace of Tout-Paris, seventh floor of the Cheval Blanc, the chic hotel-restaurant of La Samaritaine, the countess, Frenchwoman living in Belgium, Sandrine de Montmort, fifties with delicate manners. Both ensure that we live surrounded by vibrations, souls, signs, they affirm that “with an open mind” we would have access to a multitude of possibilities to get better, heal, communicate with our deceased, and rediscover our past lives.

Expressing themselves with prettiness, they define themselves as “passers of the invisible” – “switcher of the sky”, specifies Sandrine de Montmort – and are so convinced of having access to wonderful resources that they share them, without making big business elsewhere. At Sandrine de Montmort, everything is free, including the dozens of letters she answers every day, and the incessant phone calls asking her for advice.

For six years, its SandSab website – free access, 4,000 subscribers – has been promoting “experts”. Like Ann De Mot, and her NES Health device scanning the body – including that of racehorses in Saudi Arabia – in order to establish “the energetic and magnetic field” of the living, or “all our unregulated emotions at the cellular level” . Or the “somato-emotional osteopath” therapist, Roger Fiammetti, working for the dancers of the Liège opera and a team of Belgian professional footballers, who notes the pain imprinted in our skeleton and affirms that anger comes from the fourth cervical. Or even, Doctor Emmanuel Carrière, author and promoter of a discovery: “Water informed of the wishes of well-being of individuals.” This one drunk at the rate of a few drops several times a day would obtain “93%” of favorable results. “Politicians, the greatest business leaders, an incalculable number of personalities are interested in this world beyond the visible, all have their medium, all use these methods”, comments Sandrine de Montmort. The mother of the family radiates a confusing faith, especially since she also shows her reason; she is vaccinated, including against Covid.

President Chirac, adolescence of Jesus and France 98

Pascale Lafargue teaches parapsychology in Paris. Five years of lessons (approximately 1,200 euros the annual registration), around sixty students, and a hair-raising address book about which she does not say a word. Singers, actors, writers, some politicians. Shaking hands with Jacques Chirac, about to embark and on the mat in the polls in this year 1995, she says she “saw” that he would be elected president. When the dandy writer Gonzague Saint-Bris asks her, crossing her in a cocktail, her future, she dodges, having “glimpsed” this tragic future. He will die in a car accident soon after.

The teacher had a revelation of her gift for “the study and development of intuitive, perceptual and cognitive extrasensory perceptions” at the age of 18. He is handed a dried leaf. She feels that it comes from a volcano. Bingo: the leaf was picked on the slopes of Soufrière (Guadeloupe). After eight years of training, she is capable of touching an object to guess its story and those of all the people who have touched it. By shaking a hand, or through a photograph hidden in an envelope, she travels in time, forwards or backwards, “retro-cognition or pre-cognition”. All in the form – “scientific” she insists – of a five-point protocol thanks to which she would have discovered that Joan of Arc would not have died at the stake, and how Jesus lived his childhood and adolescence, two periods not recounted in the Gospels.

During her travels “on these distant frequencies”, the medium repeats aloud what she sees and hears, speaking Aramaic, medieval Tuscan, Portuguese, about fifteen languages ​​unknown to her in the real world. On behalf of a client, bearing the costs incurred, she spent fifteen years tracing the two thousand years of her agent’s previous lives. “These trips make it possible to heal from an old memory in karmic terms, I establish the psychic resonances, the repetitions of patterns, it frees, when I am entrusted with a soul, I take care of it.” Her ex-husband was a professional footballer. On the morning of the 1998 World Cup final, she predicted the victory of France against Brazil. And the next French presidential election? “They’re all lying,” she says, which isn’t strong evidence of her visionary abilities. Leaving her, we hesitate to shake her hand again, since it is through this daily gesture that the flashes reveal to her our multiple reincarnations. Verdict? “She is firm, everything is fine”, reassures the princess of the Middle Ages.
