Super League: a new formula unveiled? Ceferin threatens clubs

Super League a new formula unveiled Ceferin threatens clubs

SUPER LEAGUE. Launched and then abandoned, the Super League is back on the table at the start of March with a brand new formula that should be presented.

Quickly fell through due to a very important uprising in the world of football, the Super League project has never been abandoned by Real, Barça or Juventus who have been preparing for several weeks a new formula like revealed it on Telegram. This new formula would for example not have automatic qualifications. Asked about the subject at a press conference this Thursday, March 3, Aleksander Ceferin, boss of UEFA accuses the clubs of using the news to launch the project again. “They first launched an absurd idea in the midst of a pandemic. Now we hear that they launched another in a war. They must live in a parallel world (…) They can continue to pay anyone say it’s a good project but it’s nonsense. And while we are saving the players with other stakeholders, while we are working to help during a terrible situation, they are working on a project like this- There. I’m tired of talking about this non-football project. (…) Those who want to play in the Super League will not be able to participate in the competitions organized by UEFA”. Javier Tebas, president of La Liga, for his part explained that the clubs “lie more than Putin”. A comparison that makes people react in this context of war in Ukraine.

The proposal of the clubs wishing to create this Super League consisted at the time of bringing together 20 clubs (against 36 in the current Champions League), i.e. 15 founding members (there are only 12 at the moment) + 5 more qualified teams each year, according to criteria which are not yet defined. These 20 participants would face each other first in a phase organized in two pools of ten teams, in home and away matches. The first three of the classification of each of the two pools would be qualified for the quarter-finals. They would then be joined by the winners of the play-offs pitting the fourth and fifth from each pool. The semi-finals would then follow, still in a two-way format, and the final, over one match.

The contingent of twelve clubs behind this creation of the Super League was made up of six English teams, three Spaniards and three Italians before Real and Barça found themselves on their own.

  • liverpool
  • Manchester United
  • Manchester City
  • chelsea
  • Tottenham
  • Arsenal
  • real Madrid
  • FC Barcelona
  • Atletico de Madrid
  • Juventus Torino
  • AC Milan
  • Inter-Milan

However, several renowned clubs are not part of the clubs involved in this Super League project. This is particularly the case for French and German teams, and therefore PSG and Bayern Munich, finalists in the Champions League last year. As it stands, the Parisian club and its president Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, also a member of the UEFA executive committee, close to Aleksander Ceferin, but also and above all at the head of beIN Media Group, broadcaster of the Champions League , have indeed the choice to remain faithful to the C1, which he dreams of winning in the short term. In the longer term, and if the Super League is indeed created, Paris could however find it difficult not to succumb to the attractions of this new competition and its major posters, major providers of TV rights and ticketing revenue…
