Despite falling prices, not everyone can or wants to buy a more powerful graphics card in order to be able to enjoy current titles in good quality and without stuttering.
We’ll show you how you can immediately achieve more graphics performance with almost the same image quality.
In new games, the demands on your graphics card are constantly increasing. Diablo 4 is a prime example with its hordes of enemies and many on-screen spell and ability effects.
Usually, Nvidia and AMD deliver updated graphics card drivers to gamers just before the release of new AAA games. In addition to the usual bug fixes, these also include quality and, above all, performance optimizations for new titles. It is therefore advisable to regularly update your graphics driver.
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Miracle Technology: Nvidia “DLSS” and AMD “FSR”
Nvidia and AMD have been working on their respective real-time upscaling technologies for several years and are constantly improving them.
While AMD is currently courting buyers with FSR 2.0, Nvidia is already enticing customers to buy a graphics card from the RTX 4000 series with DLSS 3.0, which is supported right from the start of Diablo 4, for example.
DLSS (Deep learning super sampling) and FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) both work on the same principle. The image of a game is calculated in a lower resolution than that of the monitor and then subsequently boosted to the original resolution with the help of AI. You look for differences in quality with a magnifying glass, but the gain in performance is really impressive in certain situations.
For many players, this technology can be a blessing if a game can finally be played smoothly. But others also see it as a cause of poorly optimized games and jerky console ports.
DLSS puts Diablo 4 on fire under the butt
What setup did we use to test Diablo 4? The following metrics are from my gaming laptop with an Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti and show how each DLSS 2.0 option affects in-game FPS.
As a scenario, we chose the waypoint in the capital Kyovashad in order to always get the same starting point for my measurements. My necromancer with his army of undead provides for many details to be displayed on the screen. In the open world and especially in dungeons, these values can vary greatly.
How good is the performance? We got the following results with a monitor resolution of 2560×1440 and the quality preset to “Ultra”:
DLSS profiles in FPS comparison
The DLAA (Deep Learning Antialiasing) option plays a special role here. In this case, it is not the upscaling function known from DLSS, but the possibility of improving the image quality with AI support. This enhances on-screen detail in the same way as known antialiasing techniques.
This option can be used if you already have a powerful graphics card and can achieve sufficient performance in games even without DLSS.
As you can see, you can achieve a noticeable performance gain with the different options of DLSS and always have a performance advantage over disabled DLSS. In systems with weaker graphics cards, this can make the difference between unplayable and playable.
Because not everyone has a chance to get the currently fastest graphics card on the market at an unbeatable price:
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Now it’s your turn. Are you already actively using DLSS? And if so, what are your experiences with this feature?