Diablo 4 players frustrated by limited control options

Diablo 4ten kacan kacana Asmongold da birakti

After the controller support added to Diablo 4, players are arguing about whether it is better to play using a keyboard and mouse or a game controller.

Diablo 4 players are experiencing increasing discomfort due to the game’s limited control options and hope Blizzard Entertainment will fix this issue. These concerns also fuel the debate about which way is better to play Diablo 4.

Controller issues faced by Diablo 4 players

While other Diablo games have been playable on consoles for a long time, Diablo 4 was the first game to be made with control support during the game’s development, rather than controls being added later. In this way, fans of the series got into a debate about whether it is better to play Diablo 4 using a keyboard and mouse or a game controller.

The keyboard and mouse provide better precision in attacks and make it easier to chat and use emotional expressions, while the gamepad helps players move more precisely and assign spells to easily accessible buttons. Of course, the answer is entirely up to the player’s preferences, but even controller users for Diablo 4 are starting to run into some problems.

Listed missing features of game controller support

Reddit user AZAWESTIE has created a list of game controller support issues and missing features for Diablo 4. One of the major issues with the list is that players cannot manually sort their inventory/vehicles.

The only option is auto-ranking and this can be challenging for some players. The other big complaint is that players can’t manually pick up stacked items. This forces players to take everything, open the menu, then drop what they don’t want.

Most players agree

Looking at the comments of the article, it seems that most of the fans of the game agree with the original publisher. But most gamers’ biggest concern seems to be Diablo 4’s lack of native keyboard and mouse support on consoles.

Xyncan, a Reddit commentator, states that Final Fantasy 14 has mouse and keyboard support on modern consoles. In other words, he points out that this situation is not impossible.
