The police prepared for trouble on Järvafältet: Will continue

Updated 14:03 | Published 13:51

14 people are being treated in hospital after yesterday’s violent riot in connection with the Eritrean cultural festival.

Today, more chaos is expected when “busloads” of regime opponents are said to be on their way from the Netherlands.

– We are prepared for unrest today and tomorrow, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the police in Stockholm.

After yesterday’s violence at the Eritrean cultural festival at Järvafältet, the police have decided to withdraw the permit for the counter-demonstrators.

The reason is the violent scenes that unfolded when protesters broke their barriers and entered the festival where they clashed with visitors.

– We see a risk that it will continue in the same way today, therefore we cannot grant permission, said Daniel Wikdahl during the morning.

Now regime opponents are on their way to Sweden to demonstrate against the festival. According to information to Expressen it is about “busloads” from the Netherlands.

– We have been contacted by the same information. And if so, they will be taken for control according to the Aliens Act just like any other traveler can be. We usually do that. That cooperation is being intensified and we are aware of what happened in Stockholm, he tells the newspaper, Calle Persson, press spokesperson at the police in Region South.
