1:8 Ferrari 296 GTS model worth 430 thousand TL from Amalgam

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Amalgam Collection company knows how to make a sound every time. This time from the company, 430 thousand TL 1:8 Ferrari 296 GTS model came.

For many years model – miniature One of the companies that develops the best examples of the market on the vehicle side, by far. amalgam collection, this time prepared in 1:8 Ferrari 296 GTS sounds with. Full price abroad 16 thousand dollars at the level (As of August 1, 2023, approximately 430 thousand TL, excluding possible taxes) from this model It is reported that 199 units will be produced in total.. The model vehicle, which will find fault after 300 hours of manual labor for each example, looks really incredible like other options signed by Amalgam Collection. Designed exactly the same, inside and out, down to the smallest detail, because official CAD files from Ferrari are used. 296 GTS, It comes with a removable roof like the real thing, and in the box it is sent, there are special white gloves to prevent fingerprints on the body during positioning or inspection. According to the company’s statement for the 1:8 vehicle, which the ultra-rich have probably already bought most of. A total of 3,000 hours of development work was done.


Before that, the company was eye-catching 395 thousand TL. Ferrari Purosangue It was breathtaking with the 1:8 model. here This model, which you can see in the gallery, first attracted attention with its incredibly high level of details. It shrinks the vehicle in the best possible way and achieves an unbelievable level of detail on the outside as well as the inside. amalgam, for this particular model It was priced at $15,000.. Currency product only As of August 1, 2023 404 thousand TL from the model making, in total 199 pieces was promised to be produced. 1:8 purosangue model is also aBespoke” version was also available. This 20 thousand dollarsk (539 thousand TL) special edition customers could choose the paint color, interior color, rim shape and color of the brake calipers of the model vehicle.
