Mass sending of text messages – urged to take revenge on Koran burners

A mass text message has been sent to several people.
There, the recipients are asked to take revenge on those who desecrated the Koran.
– We know the information about these text messages, says Adam Samara, press spokesperson at Säpo.

During the night of Tuesday, a mass sending of text messages was done, something The evening paper was the first to report on.

There, the people were urged to take revenge against those who desecrated the Koran. They were also asked to provide information about – and send pictures of – these people in exchange for money.

A woman tells the newspaper that she received the text message at half past five in the morning. She describes the message as a “witch hunt”.

– It feels like the atmosphere is being escalated, it’s unpleasant, she says.

Säpo aware of mass mailings

It is still unknown who the sender is.

Säpo confirms that it is aware of the information that a mass mailing has gone out.

– I can’t really say more, says Adam Samara, press spokesperson at Säpo.

How do you work with this?

– I can neither confirm nor deny that we have a case regarding these data.

How do you view the fact that several people have been urged to take revenge on the people who desecrated the Koran?

– What I can say is that Säpo’s mission is to protect Sweden. And that includes constantly assessing threats and determining whether there are individuals who intend or have the ability to commit crimes against Sweden’s security.

He would not say when they became aware of the messages or how they deal with these types of events. He refers to the fact that their business makes it difficult to get into their “operational work”

– But due to the recent development of events, we are of course working intensively with other relevant authorities, and especially with the Police Authority.

– But there I want to be clear that it applies in general and not to this event.
