The government’s response to the Koran burnings: More intensive internal border control in Sweden is expected

– Persons with very weak connections to Sweden should not be able to come to Sweden to commit crimes or to act in conflict with Swedish security interests, says Ulf Kristersson (M).

The decision, which is expected on Thursday, is about the police being tasked with intensifying work with controls at the internal border.

At Tuesday’s press conference, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) also pointed to previously decided legislation that comes into force on Tuesday.

– This means that the police will have an increased opportunity to carry out body searches, search vehicles and ID documents. The aim is to strengthen the police’s work and prevent threats to internal security, says Gunnar Strömmer.

Already in May, the government made a decision to reintroduce border controls in order to be able to identify entering persons who may pose a security threat. It applies until November this year.

The regulations can be changed

The focus of the government’s work to stop Koran burnings focuses entirely on the public order law – where it is investigated whether the police in their permit process can also take into account Sweden’s national security and not just the security at the place of the demonstration.

– Today we are very vulnerable if, for example, a state actor acts through bullies in Sweden to damage our security interests, says Gunnar Strömmer.

Until a possible change in the law is introduced, the police will continue to take a position on each application.

– In the concrete cases, the police have a dialogue with those who apply for a permit and there they raise the security of the person who applies for a permit.

Works on a broad front

During the press conference, the prime minister also highlighted the contacts that various ministers in the government have had with foreign states and intelligence agencies. He himself placed great value on this weekend’s talks with Denmark, which is in a similar situation to Sweden.

– They have had many problems that we had before this crisis. In immigration policy and crime policy, we have a lot to learn from Denmark.
