Lords of the Fallen: new gameplay presentation for the Elden Ring competitor

Lords of the Fallen new gameplay presentation for the Elden

After the huge success of Elden Ring, CI Games and Hexworks have also ventured into the dark fantasy genre with the upcoming RPG Lords of the Fallen. A title recently presented on video.

Elden Ring’s dominance of the role-playing genre may be coming to an end in a matter of weeks. Lords of the Fallen, an unprecedented creation from CI Games and Hexworks studios, intends to compete with From Software’s latest title by offering a new and ambitious experience to players. This dark, arduous and violent RPG has once again shown itself in a gameplay video that confirms its aspirations, laying out its main quest and some relatively impressive boss fights. But it will still take a little work for the Hexworks teams to achieve perfection before the game’s release on October 13, particularly in terms of the sound environment and some combat animations. We let you judge for yourself with the gameplay presentation below.

With epic visuals, and a trailer of this level, Lords of the Fallen had to make some noise this week. This action-RPG has the desire to shake up the latest games from From Software, by offering gameplay that we expect to be brutal, arduous, and without concessions. By not hiding its inspirations from the games of the Japanese studio, Hexworks intends to offer an epic experience on a large scale, with complex and rewarding real-time combat.

The studio even takes up some Souls concepts by offering a multiplayer mode allowing you to progress in the two-player campaign, and to invade the world of hostile players to slow down their progress. But it benefits from a major technical advantage: the Unreal Engine 5 and its stunning graphics. Enough to make even the biggest Elden Ring fans salivate with envy. Regarding the negative points that can be identified in this presentation, the sound comes first. It’s hard to feel the heaviness of the fights with sound effects that seem so hollow and generic, and we hope that Hexworks will find the time to correct this aspect before the game is released.

In terms of gameplay Lords of the Fallen intends to both imitate soulslike by offering an action-RPG in combat “fluid, fast and difficult“, and differ from it by different mechanics. We can for example note the existence of two parallel worlds in your adventure, the world of the living and the world of the dead, which you will have to cross from one to the other during of your progress, or during one of your many fatal misadventures.The game also develops magic through three different schools, which intends to offer a wide variety of spells to the player.

On the other hand, we will find everything that makes a good classic action-RPG, namely total character customization, nine starting classes, a statistics tree, hundreds of weapons and armor, magic, monsters , villains and so on. All in a frankly sinister universe, marked by an epic mythology and a complex history. Also note that your character will be equipped with a lantern allowing him to move from one world to another, giving you the opportunity to discover many secrets and hidden treasures. A heroic-fantasy adventure that promises if you want our opinion.

Technically, Lords of the Fallen intends to rely on Unreal Engine 5. Epic Games’ new graphics engine is establishing itself as one of the most efficient and promising on the market, crushing the competition with its technical demonstrations. impressive, and its high-flying performance. Undoubtedly, this association will be very beneficial to the new game from Hexworks, and will allow it to achieve a very great graphic rigor, even almost photorealistic.

Lords of the Fallen is scheduled for October 13, 2023. Originally announced at Gamescom 2022, the game has seen fairly rapid development and will only be available on next-gen platforms. We will therefore find it on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, which promises on a technical level. While waiting for its release, you can learn more about its official site. The game is already available for pre-order with various cosmetic bonuses allowing you to start your adventure in the best conditions in terms of style.
