Gérald Darmanin facing the scold of the police: “It’s a deep dissatisfaction”

14 July under tension There is a very heavy climate of

The Minister of the Interior spoke Thursday evening July 27 with the police unions, very upset after the provisional detention of an agent of the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) suspected of violence in Marseille. Gérald Darmanin said he understood the “anger” of the police, some of whom went on sick leave or refused to go to work, in protest against the incarceration of their colleague. Interview with Jean-Michel Schlosser, former police inspector, now associate researcher at the Center for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions (Cesdip).

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin (2ᵉ g), Paris Police Prefect Laurent Nunez (3ᵉ g) and National Police Director General Frédéric Veaux (4ᵉ g) attend a meeting with police unions, at the Beauvau hotel, in Paris, on July 27, 2023.
