Why are there sleet in the spring?

Why are there sleet in the spring

We talk about spring showers, or rather March showers, in reference to the violent showers that suddenly occur during this month. But why are there only showers in this season?

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In France, the month of March is often synonymous with weather instability. The weather oscillates between relatively mild days and sudden downpours, which can be rain, snow or sometimes even ice (hail). This sudden change of weather qualifies the showers of March, it is the demonstration of the change of season. Winter gives way to springbut in a non-linear way.

March showers, a festival of cumuliform clouds

In March, therefore, the atmosphere is unstable due to the increase in solar radiation. When we go from winter to spring in thenorthern hemisphereEurope receives more and moreenergy solar. It warms the lower layers of the atmosphere first, causing thermal instability with the upper troposphere which remains cold. The significant temperature variation causes an increase in theair hot and humid, and clouds cumuliforms can form quickly. This kind of cloudswith vertical development, involves the subsidence of cold air which brings the precipitation.

Cumuliform clouds are convective clouds. The circulation of the air is complex there, but it is controlled by the ascent of a hot and humid current which condenses at altitude. This phase change releases heat latent, which amplifies the ascent of the air. Downdrafts occupy most of the cloud, and bring precipitation, liquids Where solid. Gradually during the spring, the upper layers of the troposphere warm and stabilize the atmosphere.

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