Fires: why France is (for the moment) relatively spared

Fires why France is for the moment relatively spared

Whether in Greece, southern Italy or North Africa, the flames are setting the territories of our neighbors ablaze. At the level of the Mediterranean rim, France appears as an island relatively spared by the fires. Since the beginning of 2023, 8,300 hectares of forest have burned, less than the average generally reached (10,000 hectares) at the end of July. “We can speak of relative calm. Since January 1, 2023, there have been more than 4,000 fire starts and French firefighters remain mobilized abroad, particularly in Chile and Canada”, tempers Eric Brocardi, spokesperson for the National Federation of Firefighters of France, interviewed by L’Express.

Admittedly, the country has experienced several forest fires this year: in Cerbère in the Pyrénées-Orientales, in Montredon in the Aude and recently in Haute-Corse, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday (200 hectares ravaged). But nothing to do with last year: on November 5, 2022, the forest area disappeared on French territory amounted to more than 65,000 hectares for the year concerned. The Gironde had been the most affected department, devoured by the fires of Teste-de-Buch and Landiras in mid-July, marking the start of a long battle for the firefighters.

Why is this beginning of summer proving calmer? Temperatures, humidity, prevention… Several factors come into play. “For the fire alarm to be at its maximum, the rule of 30 must be applied. below 30%, a temperature of at least 30 degrees and a wind blowing at 30km / h”, indicates Tammouz Helou, secretary general of the union of forestry cooperatives (UCFF). Last year, the country recorded record heat in May and June, with significant drought rates in some places. However, this summer, the weather conditions are more lenient.

With the rain, “the plants were able to recharge”

Despite a dry winter, the month of June was rainy, especially in the southern half. In Aix-en-Provence, for example, more rain has fallen in a month than since the start of the year, according to data recorded by the local weather station. “The plants have had the opportunity to recharge, the soil has humidified and the water tables have been able to fill up, even if this is not a panacea. At the same time, the air temperature remains sufficiently low, which which allows the trees to continue to transpire”, says Thomas Brail, founder National Tree Monitoring Group.

In addition to the weather, land and air resources have been reinforced on the ground. Objective: massive attack on incipient fires. “70% of fire starts are between five and ten hectares”, indicates Eric Brocardi, who also mentions a standardization of the strategy at the national level and an optimal consideration at all levels of the territories, from mayors to prefects. “This allows us to better anticipate forest fires, to prepare for them and to inform the populations”, he adds.

Last October, Emmanuel Macron announced the mobilization in 2023 of nine additional water bomber planes and helicopters, bringing the number of aircraft from 38 to 47. “They are distributed judiciously according to the risk throughout the territory” , specifies Eric Brocardi. More locally, the Gironde saw the arrival of a Puma helicopter, a Dash aircraft and four additional Air Tractor aircraft. “France has a lot of planes, they are called armed air watchers (GAAR). They are under surveillance and have the authorization to drop on the slightest suspicious smoke”, describes an official of the association. Prevention and Reporting of Forest Firescreated following the fires in Gonfaron (Var) in August 2021.

New pilots were also recruited. “They have put in significant resources not to relive last year’s season,” adds the same manager. In order to better anticipate fires, the system of columns – that is to say the fact of bringing together firefighters from several departments in the same area – has also been strengthened.

“Prevention is necessary”

In addition to the meteorological conditions and the means granted on the ground, the behavior of the individuals plays an important role, since a fire often comes from a human intervention – voluntary or involuntary. THE Ministry of Ecological Transition recalls on its website: “Human activity is the main cause of fire outbreaks – 90% of fire outbreaks – whether due to economic activity (construction sites, agricultural activities, etc.) or everyday activity (cigarette butts, barbecues or campfires)”. “Most of the fire follows the man. It starts near the roads, because a cigarette butt will have been thrown, because someone left a glass bottle and this has a magnifying effect, because a barbecue was badly extinguished… .”, confirms Tammouz Helou, who nevertheless underlines an awareness on the part of tourists.

And prevention is required with local initiatives, such as the anti-cigarette cigarette butt operation around the Mediterranean or the upcoming installation in Gironde of a network of cameras to detect fires early. “All the measures implemented are welcome. Let’s hope they are sufficient. Prevention is necessary, hoping that misfortune does not happen”, supports Tammouz Helou. For its part, the union of forestry cooperatives says it remains “very vigilant” to ensure that the network of forest tracks remains sufficient, maintained and optimized, so that the emergency services are able to fight against fires. “We are also clearing to limit the risks and the damage”, adds its secretary general.

Among the novelties for 2023, there is also the Forest Weather, a device launched last June. Its role: to indicate a level of fire danger established from meteorological forecasts and the state of drought of the vegetation. As of this Saturday, July 29, it classifies almost all of France (apart from twelve departments) in “low” danger, in green color on the map. Only a handful of departments in the south-east of France were classified as in “moderate” danger. But Sunday, July 30, the Var department turns red, with a “very high” danger of forest fires. “This situation is explained by a rise in temperatures and a drop in humidity, with strong winds locally, and still a marked drought”, deciphers the Météo des Forêts.

Towards a warmer month of August?

If the French forest park was preserved in July, what will it look like in August? The summer season is far from over, especially as a phase begins where the vegetation begins to dry out. At the microphone of our colleagues fromEuropean 1, Sébastien Lahaye, forest fire specialist, assured that the month of August will be “the most critical”. On the temperature side, the European climate monitoring body Copernicus estimates that it is the northern half of the country, the Atlantic coast and the shores of the Mediterranean, which will present the most abnormally high temperatures.

And after this summer? For Thomas Brail, government actions must go further if we want to protect our ecosystem from future forest fires. “We put a bandage on a wooden leg. The real priority is to review our forest management methods, to be more careful with our forests. And to ask ourselves the question: what forest do we want for tomorrow? Is it that we want trees in rows of onions, very flammable? Another thorny debate laid on the table.
