Takeover bid Reevo, provisional results: bidder for 98.9% of the share capital

Takeover bid Reevo provisional results bidder for 989 of the

(Finance) – In the context of takeover bids (OPA) voluntary totalitarian purchase on shares and warrants ReeVo, Italian Full Stack Cloud & Cyber ​​Security provider listed on Euronext Growth Milan, based on the provisional results, the following have been tendered: 4,894,752 shares, representing 96.368% of the share capital and 98.881% of the shares subject to the offer; 4,409,280 Warrants, representing 95.983% of the Warrants issued and outstanding at today’s date and subject of the offer.

L’bidder would come to hold, including the 129,100 treasury shares and should the provisional results be confirmed, 5,023,825 shares, representative of the 98.910% of the capital.

The reopening of the terms will not take place and the legal conditions for exercising the obligation to purchase have been verified. The delisting is therefore approaching by ReeVo from Piazza Affari.
