Spotify decides to suspend physical operation in Russia

Spotify decides to suspend physical operation in Russia

Being the most important name in the online music market, SpotifyDecision to suspend physical operation in Russia took.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues sadly. As a result, hundreds of casualties have been lost on both sides. Many countries have announced serious sanctions against Russia due to the attacks. Among these companies Spotify was also included. The firm is in Russia today physically stopping the operation took the decision. The European-based company, which closed its office in Russia, announced that they also blocked advertising content related to the Russian state. However, the service in Russia It was stated that it will continue its music listening service.. However, this is also not certain and may be closed soon. Spotify Apple had taken the most resounding step before.

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo FedorovAn official letter to Tim Cook, Apple’s active CEO sent and wanted Apple to end sales of Russia-based products. Fedorov also requested that access to the App Store be closed. apple took that step last night and Russia-based product sales stopped.

Meanwhile, Apple has also made a ban in addition to product sales. The company has removed the applications of RT News and Sputnik, which are affiliated with the Russian state, from the App Store. In addition, the live traffic feature of Apple Maps was closed in Ukraine, as was done for Google Maps. In this way, the invaders will not be able to obtain any data from these places.

About what happened in Ukraine Tim Cook He wrote on Twitter: “I am deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine. We are doing our best for our teams there and will support local humanitarian efforts as needed. I think of those who are hurt and in danger right now, and I support those who want peace.”


We would like to point out once again. We hope that this war will end as soon as possible and that civilians will not be harmed. Countries should not deviate from diplomatic paths today. War doesn’t help anyone. Likewise, wars never have a winner. Parties always suffer huge losses.

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