the game has leaked, here are the first images vol

the game has leaked here are the first images vol

It’s rare enough to be underlined: we are at the end of July and Activision has still not revealed the existence of the new Call of Duty, that of the year 2023. Quite unusual practices on the part of the American publisher which always announces the new Kalof in May, a few weeks before the start of E3. But things have changed and the very chaotic (and much commented) takeover of Activision-Blizzard by Microsoft has undoubtedly frozen a lot of things. Fortunately, we can always count on the leaks to have information upstream, and that’s exactly what happened with this Call of Duty Modern Warfare III. Indeed, photos of a partnership between the game and the energy drink Monster found themselves on the Internet, revealing the logo, but also one of the main characters, namely Captain Price. We could have cried fake (in fact not), but the official Call of Duty Twitter account decided to bounce on it with a touch of humor, half-heartedly confirming the existence of this Call of Duty Modern Warfare III. We just have to wait for the official announcement, with screenshots, artworks and trailer.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III
