Apple sued over ‘App Store commission’

Apple once again surpassed 3 trillion

apple, Opened on behalf of more than 1,500 developers in the UK due to App Store commission 1 billion dollars with a class action on the agenda.

Behind this lawsuit, Apple has between 15 percent and 30 percent of in-app sales in the App Store. includes commission fee. Professor at the Center for Competition Policy at the University of East Anglia on behalf of more than 1,500 developers Sean Ennis Within the scope of the lawsuit filed by the technology giant, “accused of abusing his position of judge”. Approximately 1 billion dollars Sean Ennis, who made a statement on the case where compensation is at the center, said, “Apple’s fees from app developers are very high. This is hurting both app developers and users.” says. Due to these commission cuts, application developers Ennis, who also said that he was deprived of money that could be spent on R&Dstates that Apple’s monopoly over the sale and distribution of iOS apps allows it to set its own commission levels, and developers are left with no choice but to accept it. Apple has faced a lot of lawsuits and criticism so far on this issue.. The company, which entered into big legal struggles with Google, which went the same way in the Play Store, did not give up the commission despite these and will not give up in the coming period. Because the company earns incredibly high revenues from these deductions.


tech giant apple starting with the Spotify complaint before that European Commission He was found guilty as part of the investigation. Giant of the online music market for those who missed it SpotifyIn 2019, Apple accused Apple of violating competition rules. Europe centered complaints. Necessary evaluations have been made in this regard and European Commission in this respect SpotifyHe got it right. Specifically, behind this Apple Music was located. Apple is highlighting its own service on its devices and above all from in-app subscription from Spotify. “Apple Tax” It also cuts the last 30 percent. This is because of the cutoff that is standard for the Apple Store. Spotify has no chance to offer users more advantageous prices and this too distorts the competition.
