Six notifications after the campaign in the oil port

Six notifications after the campaign in the oil port
full screen Climate activist Greta Thunberg is lifted away by police when she takes part in a new climate action in Oljehamnen in Malmö on Monday. Archive image. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT

The police have drawn up six reports, against six different people, about disobedience to law enforcement after yesterday’s sit-in in the oil port in Malmö.

Greta Thunberg participated in the action just hours after she was convicted of the same crime in Malmö district court.

– There were seven people who were told to leave the place voluntarily. There was only one who chose to do it, says Calle Persson, press spokesperson at the police in Malmö.

After asking the activists to move, the police chose to move them to a nearby lawn. On the lawn, the police spoke to the activists in turn.

The police do not want to state whether Greta Thunberg is one of the people reported for disobedience to law enforcement. However, she was one of those who did not leave the place voluntarily.

– We do not comment on specific cases, says Calle Persson.

The police assess that the action was a public gathering, which means that you must apply for permission from the police.

– That has not been done in this case, says Calle Persson.

Therefore, a report on violations of the Public Order Act has also been drawn up.

– But we don’t have a suspect because we don’t know who it is who has arranged this gathering.

TT: What does the evidence look like in this case?

– I’m not going to say exactly, but there must not be a lack of evidence. It’s probably one of the most watched gatherings we’ve had, says Calle Persson.
