SVT’s meteorologist: That’s how extreme the extreme weather is in Europe

Human-caused climate change affects extreme weather worldwide, according to the UN agency World Meteorological Organization. With reference to the UN climate panel’s latest report they state that the evidence for the link between human activity and extreme periods of heat, drought, precipitation and storms has strengthened since the last report in 2014.

SVT’s meteorologist: “Spectacular”

Earlier in July, the global temperature set records for several days in a row. The figures prompted UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to call climate change “out of control”, an image shared by SVT’s meteorologist.

– It is a spectacular year. We have measured the planet’s highest average temperature, we have seen the hottest June since measurements began and the world’s oceans are warmer than at any time in modern times, says Pia Hultgren.

Hear SVT’s meteorologist Pia Hultgren answer questions about Europe’s extreme weather in the video.
