In the spotlight: weeklies in summer mode

In the spotlight weeklies in summer mode

Point teaser with its consecrated front page “ nap superpowers », accompanied by a photo of the beach and the translucent sea. In reality, the weekly tells us above all about our overloaded daily life, accompanied by a chronic lack of sleep. Yes, the nap is a solution, especially “ 10-minute naps, because eThey do not give the brain time to plunge into deep sleep and thus prevent the sleeper from suffering from inertia upon awakening “. “ Practiced daily, they play a cardioprotective role in people with sleep debt. They also have positive effects on memory. “. In short, you don’t need to be on a desert island to indulge in a refreshing nap. As proof of this, we want these few photos chosen by the Point, where we see in close-up, deputies and ministers, yawning or even sleeping soundly, on the benches of the National Assembly.

Summer is not just a siesta, it’s also a heat wave

THE Figaro Magazine offers us ” a short survival guide for a scorching summer because, he tells us, the generalization of episodes of heat waves and drought in our country implies profound changes in our behavior “. Example: food. We are advised the Mediterranean diet: tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, eggs, fish, poultry “. As for activities, we will avoid sport when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, unless we drink plenty of water, “ up to 6 liters per day “. ” Otherwisecontinues THE Figaro Magazine, the most effective solution to fight against heat, at home or in the office, remains energy renovation. For an optimal result, no secret, it is necessary to insulate all the walls: walls, floors, roofs, roof spaces, windows, doors ». What allow not to exceed 24°C inside, when it is 35°C outside.

35 degrees, however, is not the worst if we turn to Greece, and in particular Athens where temperatures of up to 45 degrees are expected this Sunday, July 23. Today in France echoes it, while waiting for the heat wave to pass, the inhabitants remain cloistered “. ” Me, I take four or five showers a day and I stay at home as much as I can, curtains drawn “says a resident of the capital. No energy renovation in sight: “ Using and abusing air conditioning seems to be a well-established attitude at home, in shopping centers, but also on the open terraces of restaurants. (…) Air conditioning is the least green option, but for now the most efficient and popular », concludes Today in France.

A tribute to African-American basketball players

It is Mthe supplement of Worldwho tells us the long game for equality “, of those who ” have long endured racism and segregation, with no real support from their white teammates “. And one of those former teammates, Bob Cousy, 94, now expresses regret when he thinks of Bill Russell, ” the unsurpassable legend of the Celtics “. ” On the evening of his life, the former sportsman regrets not having held hands, at the time, with this teammate who would have needed it “. However, he will befriend another African-American basketball player, Chuck Cooper, at a time when segregation is in full swing. One evening in 1952, when the two men meet at Boston station, in front of a toilet separated between white men and colored men, they decide to urinate on the tracks, in protest “.

At that time, the National Basketball Association (NBA) was still only a ” minor league, with fragile foundations (…) far from what it has become, a concentrate of America and a planetary brand “.

The successes of LadyJane »

Jane Birkin, passed away just over a week ago. ” A dismayed disbelief greeted his demise, recount THE Point, so much did she seem to be coated with a youthful immunity uniting several epochs. The weekly lists its many successes, music, cinema, and also its way of being fashionable, relaxed. For example, when she tries on a velvet dress at Yves Saint Laurent, and she innocently says: ” It’s like a t-shirt, I can roll it up in my suitcase. »

Also a tribute to The Obs with a Jane Birkin smiling in a black and white photo on the front page, “ Bye Lady Jane “. His songs, his films, but also a less known aspect of his personality. His commitments. Alongside Simone de Beauvoir and Simone Veil in favor of the right to abortion, with Robert Badinter for the abolition of the death penalty, Birkin, tells us The Obs, “is against all wars”. ” Birkin, absolutely, definitely, is for freedom of expression, in all its forms. »

THE JDD still absent from newsstands

The journalists of Sunday newspaper continue their strike started on June 22, against the arrival at the head of the newspaper of Geoffroy Lejeune, a journalist close to the extreme right.
