Official ChatGPT Android app announced

A ChatGPT based arrest has been made in China

OpenAI productive artificial intelligence system developed by ChatGPT The official Android app for Android is coming soon.

Productive artificial intelligence, whose official application has only been on the iOS side so far ChatGPT The expected Android app for Android is coming next week. Tonight announced for application Play Store The page is already opened. Here To download the application immediately after exiting the page You can pre-register. The application, which has the same simple interface as iOS, is free to use, but a paid “Plus” subscription is required for the best experience. The system came to the fore with the update made yesterday. ChatGPTat the center of the latest update for “special instructions” infrastructure is included. According to OpenAI’s description, this feature allows you to give ChatGPT a custom request or context that you want automatically applied to every conversation. So what exactly does this do?


For example, if you often want the chatbot to generate a text for work, this feature allows it to “” every time you open ChatGPT.The text you create should be in the official language or in the following style” You don’t need to say. The system knows this because you said it before and automatically applies it to new content. Thanks to this system tell the chatbot what it should always know about you and you can state very clearly how you want it to respond to your questions. Feature with great time saver potential in the long runproductive artificial intelligence customize / personalization It’s a big step forward. At the first stage, the special instructions system can only be used by Plus users with a monthly fee. However, this will not always be the case, according to OpenAI’s statement, this feature is planned to be available to all users soon.
