In Florida, the Department of Education adopts hotly contested new rules on teaching slavery in public schools. These new rules ask teachers in particular to teach their students that slavery allowed slaves to “develop skills”. The Democratic opposition denounces a leap backwards.
1 min
With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson
This 200-page document details new curricular guidelines for teaching the history of slavery, racial segregation and African Americans in Florida schools.
The document first recommends highlighting the positive influences of illustrious African-Americans such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks or even barack obama… But where the Florida Department of Education is controversial is with its guidelines recommending that teachers teach students that slaves would “ developed skills “that they could have” apply for personal benefit “.
Another highly contested passage: the one on the teaching of racial crimes which, according to Florida’s new educational rules, would have been “ perpetrated against blacks but also by African-Americans “.
” A huge step back »
These new rules were voted on Thursday by the Department of Education led by Manny Diaz, close to Governor Ron DeSantisthe main rival of donald trump in the Republican primary which has promised to end what it calls the ” woke indoctrination in public education.
For its part, the opposition is upwind. ” I’m stunned Florida is still justifying slavery in 2023 “, indignantly elected Shevrin Jones himself black and teacher. The main teachers’ union denounces him, ” a huge step back “.