The best film with “Aragorn”

Most people know Viggo Mortensen for his role as Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies. However, another masterpiece starring the actor is often overlooked.

Most cinema fans probably think of Aragorn immediately when they hear the name Viggo Mortensen. However, in his latest video, a YouTuber explains why a very different movie is the performer’s best masterpiece.

After a long time, Marco Risch from the YouTube channel Nerdkultur on Netflix stumbled across another film by the actor that had left a lasting impression over the years:

Best Aragorn movie – and it’s not The Lord of the Rings! – nerd culture

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Marco Risch has been uploading videos on news, reviews, analyzes and interviews on current films, series and video games since 2015. The YouTube channel Nerdkultur is part of the Webedia network, of which MeinMMO is also a part. Above all, “nerdy” topics such as Star Wars, Marvel and DC are the focus of his channel.

Inconspicuous and yet so good

The content creator talks about the 2007 film Eastern Promises. He describes it as a gritty film noir that also reminds him of one of the greatest series of all time.

With great attention to detail and numerous hidden meanings, Deadly Promises provides ingenious clues to the various characters in the film and their identities.

If you want to see the film for yourself, you can watch it on Netflix right now. Our colleagues from Moviepilot also recommended Deadly Promises as a film tip.

There is a deeper meaning behind every scene. One particular fight scene is particularly memorable.

All of this makes the film an unforgettable experience for Marco Risch.

If you like Nerdkultur’s video, take a look here as well: After that you will see Dune with different eyes

Author: Marco Risch
