Despite the wet month of July – the risk of forest fires is not over

Despite the wet month of July – the risk of

Updated 17:07 | Published 16:57

Before the summer, the government warned of “a new 2018” with forest fires in large parts of the country.

Halfway into the summer, Sweden has not been affected by any extreme heat and a repeat of 2018 seems unlikely.

– It is not time to permanently shout the danger over, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin, Minister for Civil Defence.

In June came the warnings about forest fires and drought – 2023 could become the new 2018.

At the beginning of the summer, it also looked like that for a long time. Drought and hot temperatures created problems for farmers and forest fires broke out in several places in Sweden.

– The bow is tight for this summer, the state is on its toes, said the Minister for Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin at a press conference in June.

But then the rain came.

“More favorable weather conditions”

June was dry and hot, but then it turned.

In all parts of the country there were warnings of a high risk of fire. Today, it is only on Gotland and Öland that the ground is still reasonably dry.

– In the main part of the country, we have a favorable situation as a result of the rain of the last two weeks. It’s welcome, even if people want some sun on holiday, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin, Minister for Civil Defence.

According to SMHI, July has been cooler and wetter than normal in many parts of the country and so far we have not seen anything “new in 2018”.

full screenCarl-Oskar Bohlin (M), minister for civil defence. Photo: Lars Schröder/TT

– There is always great uncertainty in the forecast with many alternative weather developments. What we have now is not strange summer weather, but according to what was said elsewhere, we did have a month of July that offered more unsettled weather and cooler air than promised, says Linus Karlsson, meteorologist at SMHI.

However, large amounts of rain do not always mean that the risk of fires will be lower.

– A shower can bring a lot of rain in a short time. But when it’s dry, it settles on top and evaporates instead of sinking down deeper, says Linus Karlsson at SMHI.

Days when it rains for most of the day give a greater chance of the water seeping into the foundation.

– It provides a wetter soil layer, so it is a more favorable weather situation now with this type of rain, says Linus Karlsson.

full screen A fire plane releases water over a forest fire in 2018. Photo: Jimmy Wixtröm

Can turn quickly

The preparedness and preparations for a summer with forest fires were great. New helicopters, airplanes and forest fire depots.

Even though it has been cool and wet, Carl-Oskar Bohlin believes that it is not time to lower the fence.

– The arc has been tight and will continue to be.

In the event of a possible change in weather, he believes that we could face a tough situation again.

– If we get a new dry period or if we get this heat that is hitting Europe right now, then we could quickly end up in a situation like we had in June, when the situation was precarious, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin.

The assessment that the situation can quickly become serious is also shared by SMHI.

– Should we get high pressure and a lot of sun later in July or August, there is a risk that there will be a risk of fires again. It can turn around quite quickly, says Linus Karlsson, meteorologist at SMHI.

With a quick turnaround, Carl-Oskar Bohlin believes that this year we are better equipped than before.

– We are better prepared than in the summer of 2018, say Carl-Oskar Bohlin and Forstätter:
– And it deserves to be said, great efforts have been made in the places where there have been large fires so far this year.

full screen Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
