new chapter in Franco-Italian relations

new chapter in Franco Italian relations

Emmanuel Macron and Mario Draghi spoke after the signing of the Quirinal Treaty which should seal the strengthening of cooperation between France and Italy

From our special correspondent in Rome,

Emmanuel Macron and Mario Draghi spoke at a press conference after the signing of the Quirinal Treaty which should seal the strengthening of cooperation between France and Italy. ” France and Italy have everything to do together “. This is how Emmanuel Macron wanted to say how important the link between the two countries is and will be further strengthened by the signing of the Cooperation Treaty which took place this morning at the Quirinal Palace to clearly mark the symbolism of this agreement, the idea of ​​which was launched in 2017 by Emmanuel Macron.

In the minds of the two leaders, it is a question of opening a new chapter in Franco-Italian relations, of creating a “Franco-Italian reflex”, for example by involving Italian ministers in the French Council of Ministers and vice versa. From the perspective of the French presidency of the European Union, this ” friendship that comes from afar “Will be an asset and Mario Draghi has promised it” France can count on the full support of Italy “.

But for all that Emmanuel Macron has refrained from going to Rome to seek support that he would no longer have in Berlin, it is not ” a substitute path »Said the French President, who took the opportunity to give his vision of the European project back by affirming his desire to build 27-party agreements.

► To read also: The Quirinal treaty or the new Franco-Italian honeymoon around the economy

