Refused to kill – was kidnapped and beaten

Refused to kill was kidnapped and beaten

Three people were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping in Vårberg outside Stockholm last Saturday.

The kidnapped man is said to have also been beaten.

The reason is that he refused to carry out a murder, according to information given to Aftonbladet.

On Saturday afternoon, the police raided an address in Vårberg, south of Stockholm.

According to information to Aftonbladet, three people were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a man in his 20s. Which the police confirmed on Sunday.

Aftonbladet can now reveal – based on new information – the motive behind the kidnapping.

Refused to kill – was kidnapped

The man in his 20s is said not only to have been kidnapped. He is also said to have been beaten by the three suspects and the reason is said to have been that he refused to carry out an ordered murder.

One of the people arrested was under the age of 15 and taken into custody.

Late Saturday night, police technicians were still working at the scene.

Then Rebecca Landberg, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police, said:

– We cannot go into more details at the moment, but I can say that the operation was carried out within the framework of a serious crime.

full screen Police car at the address. Photo: Blue light images
