Final inspection of the Western link in Umeå postponed

The Västra länken stretch of 7 kilometers is part of the E12 and was supposed to open in autumn 2021, but is heavily delayed. The road was not approved during a final inspection last fall when it was failed on 550 points. The NCC has requested a review of that decision as they believe the road is clear.

– NCC does not share the assessment that the contract would not be approved at the final inspection held in November 2022 and has requested it to be reviewed, Amelie Winberg, NCC press manager, announces in a written comment to SVT.

The NCC called for a new inspection of the road in February this year. It was canceled in principle immediately, as the Swedish Transport Administration did not consider that previous shortcomings had been remedied.

Error in call

Instead, the authority had called for a new final inspection in the first week of July, but it did not take place.

– It didn’t happen because the contractor thinks there was a formality error in the invitation to the final inspection, says Tommy Taftö, project manager Trafikverket.

– According to our agreement, the Swedish Transport Administration must state a reason for holding a new final inspection. At the most recent final inspection, the Swedish Transport Administration’s inspector decided not to start the inspection because the Swedish Transport Administration chose not to state the grounds on which they were called for an inspection, announces Amelie Winberg, press manager NCC and continues:

– NCC’s position continues to be that the contract has already been approved at a previous final inspection.

Now the Swedish Transport Administration hopes that a new final inspection of the road can be held sometime in August. There is currently no date for when the entire road can open to traffic.
