PS5: return of the console to Amazon

PS5 return of the console to Amazon

PLAYSTATION 5. After several days without discounts, the PS5 has appeared again on the Amazon UK site, with reservations for Prime members.

[Mis à jour le 2 mars 2022 à 09h20] She is back ! It has been several days since the PS5 appeared on an online sales site. This is now the case today since the latest console from Sony has just pointed the tip of its nose at Amazon. This sale, however, seems reserved for the Anglo-Saxon platform, as well as its Prime members. You will therefore have to subscribe to benefit from it. This sale, however, gives some hope for stocks to come on Amazon FR during the week.

Our update on PS5 stocks from Wednesday March 2:

Finding a new PS5 is as complicated as it is easy to find a resale PS5. Indeed, the resellers have fully understood the real value of the console, and are having a field day on the prices. On the site of Rakuten, we find the console at prices varying between 700 and more than 1000 euros. Prices to consider knowing that the console is sold new at €399.99 for its Digital version and €499.99 for its Standard version. A purchase that will not discourage the most motivated players, ready to invest a substantial sum in the acquisition of what has become for a little less than a year a valuable object.

As you will have understood, getting a PS5 in this month of March 2022 is more of a feat than a simple purchase. The first-come, first-served rule is more than ever to be followed when looking for a Playstation 5. To make your life easier, we have prepared 10 tips for you to put the odds on your side when making your purchase. From the simple creation of an account to advice specific to a certain site, these tips will allow you to circumvent the various pitfalls that you may encounter in your quest.

A little over three weeks ago, Sony set up a sign-up system to get the Playstation 5. Only for its Playstation Network members, this waiting list offers an opportunity to benefit from a direct release copy. Sony factories. A means of obtaining initially set up in England in September and which initially proved its worth. However, the waiting list has been open in France, Germany and other European countries for several weeks now. To participate, go to this link,

The 2022 winter sales are already over but there are still a lot of promotions on Playstation 5 games and accessories. There are titles rewarded at the Game Awards 2021 such as Deathloop, the creation of Arkane Studio (Dishonored) but also big games triple A like the essential FIFA 22 or even Cyberpunk 2077 which has just received its next-gen update. So many games that can be found on promotion on the sites of the largest French retailers. Unmissable offers if you want to expand your library after having had the chance to obtain the precious console.

Among the other titles that we can recommend for purchase, there is also Deathloop, the excellent creation from the studios of Arkane Lyon (Dishonored). This critically acclaimed game (including ours) immerses you in a unique universe, shaped by a solid and ambitious artistic direction, and offers you action gameplay – infiltration in the first person, typical of the creations of Arkane Lyons. An adventure offered at -50% on the Fnac website. At his side, you will also find the latest Far Cry. Far Cry 6 is far from being one of the best students in its category, offering a triple A experience penalized by relatively repetitive gameplay that is too similar to previous games. But it is nevertheless an extremely fun experience in cooperation, available at -45%, a price that largely justifies its purchase.

You’ll also find Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the latest in Ubisoft’s acclaimed action/RPG series. If it is far from being the best part of the series, it nevertheless offers you a dive into the England of the early Middle Ages, offering a rigorous and quality historical table, in the absence of a varied gameplay and very characters. deep. However, the good news is that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is also on sale during the sales, on Playstation 5 of course. And at this price, we recommend that you test this adventure, this dive into the universe of feudal England carried by graphics that it is necessary to salute.

A question with unfortunately very variable answers. Sony’s latest console is permanently out of stock on the biggest French and European e-commerce sites. Blame it on the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the production of electronic chips. Only then, the PS5 is very popular and in high demand, and resale sites have understood this perfectly. In an attempt to compensate for the lack of consoles, resellers are organizing console “drops”, where the PS5 is made available briefly for purchase. The first-come, first-served rule is more relevant than ever.

In addition, it is important to note that Amazon receives relatively regular restocking and reserves them for its Amazon Prime members. If you haven’t subscribed to the e-commerce giant’s subscription service, you can still avail of its 30-day free trial period. You can then add the console to your wishlist and add it directly to your basket from this tab when stocks are available. This manipulation will not only allow you to save time during your purchase (time is precious when the console is stock) but also to bypass the main product page which could be overloaded with visitors.

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