Two men are sentenced in the Jönköping district court for extensive fraud against 90-year-olds

The men have called and said that they represent a bank and that someone took a loan in the elderly person’s name or used the person’s bank card. In some cases, the fraudsters have also made the elderly collect jewelery and valuables so that these are placed in bank safes or valued for insurance purposes. The caller has explained that a police officer or a bank official will therefore come to the home to help sort everything out, but instead it has been about the fraudsters who called.

The crimes have been carried out in the counties of Jönköping, Skåne, Halland, Kalmar and Västra Götaland.

Caught on film

When the one perpetrator visited ATMs to withdraw the victims’ money, he was filmed by surveillance cameras on several occasions. He made it a point to wear a mouth guard and sometimes even latex gloves to avoid being identified, but the police have still been able to identify him by specific physical characteristics.

The two men, who are in their 20s and 35s, respectively, are sentenced to 3 years and 10 months in prison, and 4 years and 5 months in prison and deportation, respectively.

This is what it looked like when the police lectured the SPF seniors in Nässjö about fraud
