Another racism scandal in the government

Finland’s Finance Minister Riikka Purra (True Finns) admits that she wrote racist and violent comments on a forum 15 years ago.
– Fifteen years ago I was a private person who commented on these things in a discussion forum with like-minded people, she says at a press conference on Thursday.

Among other things, she commented – after a meeting with some Somali teenagers – that “if I were to get a weapon, there would be bodies in the local trains, you see”.

Purra often used racist words and expressions and on several occasions used the n-word. She also describes herself as racist, reports Swedish EPN.

The Prime Minister tries to calm down

On Thursday, Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (Union Party) held a press conference outside the official residence Villa Bjälbo in Helsinki. He had Riikka Purra with him.

– I want to give a simple and strong message to everyone who lives in Finland: The government has zero tolerance for all forms of racism and extremism. We do not accept any form of discrimination and all this has been laid down in the government programme, Orpo said, continuing:

– We must evaluate where the limit is, in terms of time and with regard to the content of the text.

Rikka Purra herself said that her comments were taken out of context, and added that she would not write such a thing today.

– At the forum, a certain discussion humor is cultivated among like-minded people, she said.

The Minister of Industry had to go

Just under a month ago, it was the minister of economic affairs, Vilhelm Junnila, who was in trouble, also in the anti-immigration party Sannfinländarna. He was allowed to go because he both lectured to and hosted a far-right group in the Finnish parliament, which created a huge debate on social media in Finland and led to a vote of no confidence in the parliament, which he lost.

Riikka Purra defended the minister of business and at the same time criticized the co-ruling Swedish People’s Party, where several members chose to vote Vilhelm Junnila out.

Then the comments were found

The comments found by Finnish media were taken from the True Finn Jussi Halla-aho’s blog under the “guest book” tab, a tab that was later deleted but whose content remains via the Internet archive Waybackmachine.

Under the name “riikka”, Riikka Purra wrote several racist comments in 2008, and also called herself a racist. Riikka Purra herself has confirmed that it is she who commented.
