At the July 14 rehearsals, proud African delegations ready to parade on the Champs-Élysées

At the July 14 rehearsals proud African delegations ready to

D-1 before the July 14 military parade in France, a national holiday. More than 6,000 participants are expected this year, accompanied by around a hundred aerial vehicles. Like every year, several students from African military high schools are also invited to parade alongside their French counterparts. These young people come from Senegal, Madagascar, Benin or even Gabon and we followed them during rehearsals at the Versailles-Satory military camp, near Paris.

Come on, now we make the effort, we raise our heads, and we line up! “says an officer. No public, nor Arc de Triomphe for the moment, but a concrete track and a sound system which beats the rhythm: the military base of Versailles-Satory, west of Paris, does not really resemble the Champs- Elysees. However, the most famous avenue in France is in everyone’s mind when the parade rehearsals begin, under a blazing sun.

Blue tunic, leather boots, and excitement in the eyes for Gabriel, originally from Gabon. With his military high school, he did some training on the Parisian avenue and this is the first time he parades in France. “ I can’t wait, I can’t wait. I think it’s an honor. It’s a big day on July 14, so I feel proud to come and parade here to represent my country Gabon. We have already started training on the Champs-Élysées and I felt strong. It’s really impressive, it’s really beautiful. I tell myself that this is one more reason to honor both France and Gabon. »

The family in front of the television

His parents and a good part of the family will be in front of the television on D-Day. For them, it’s a great pride that we are here, that we parade for such a big day, for such a big event. So of course they will watch. All the time they tell me they’re proud of me, and they’re proud that I’ve become who I am today. So it still pushes me to continue, to motivate myself. »

Kylian has just obtained his baccalaureate at the military school in Libreville, Gabon. Marching on July 14 in Paris will also be the pride of his people. ” My uncles, my grandparents… All will be wired on French channels in order to see me well during the parade. They said they will scrutinize me and even, if possible, capture some images as memories of this passage. Especially since he will have the chance to be the standard bearer. ” The cameras are a little more focused on you when carrying the flag. It is a privilege to wear the colors of my nation very high. The sooner it happens, the sooner there is a bit of stage fright too. But we still feel ready in the group. »

Relaxing everyone before D-Day is the role of André Dokoui Fofo, lieutenant-colonel. He runs the military school in Bembéréké, Benin, and keeps an eye on the final details to be settled. ” We still need to show even more pride in the process. We still need more rigor in our steps. And I believe that we will be able to offer a very beautiful spectacle. There is no doubt, we will be able to impress. They are ready ! »
