Dear flights, Urso: we will intervene. Consumer associations: it’s too late

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(Finance) – The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, he reiterated that his ministry is ready to take action against the cost of flights. “The companies have full flights, you can’t find a seat, they travel at maximum revenues, with fuel costing 30% less than last year and prices increasing by 40-42%? I have summoned them, we await explanations on this anomalous growth of the prices but, if the explanations are not convincing and if the prices do not reduce soon, we will intervene, as it should be”, guaranteed the minister to Sky Tg24 Economia.

“We have a duty to intervene with the tools that are in a regime market and of competition“, added the minister explaining that the first intervention is to moral suasion and transparency on training of prices. But the government can “also intervene – continues Urso – as it did with the transparency decree on fuels to convince the actors of the economy to make their own profit margins, but not take advantage of the conditions that have been created”.

Minister Urso’s statements immediately met with a reaction from the associations of consumers. “We are in agreement with Minister Urso on the phenomenon of expensive flights, but the Government must act quickly, already in the next 48 hours, because ticket prices continue to rise despite fuel costs less and less”, he said Absolute users.

More critical Codacons And National Consumer Union. “Even if the Government were to adopt a measure today to control flight fares, it would be too late, because Italians have already bought tickets to reach holiday destinations spending on average 50% more than last year – explained the president of Codacons, Charles Rienzi –. The only truly useful path would be that of an intervention by the Antitrust aimed at sanctioning any speculation or cartels aimed at keeping flight prices unjustifiably high, and in this direction the decision of the Authority is expected shortly which, thanks to a complaint of the Codacons, has opened a special investigation into expensive flights”.

“Words, words, only words … and even belated ones. For the umpteenth time, the minister promises unspecified future interventions, on fruit, on expensive flights, on pasta, on childhood products. It is a pity that no concrete action has been taken so far , except in the one case, that of petrol, which did not depend on speculation but on the increase in excise duties decided by the Government. A joke, not to say a mockery”, he declared Maximilian Donatepresident of the National Consumer Union.
