Pimples on the head: cause, how to get rid of them?

Pimples on the head cause how to get rid of

Pimples on the head or scalp can be caused by various skin conditions. If they are painful or if they scratch, it is better to consult a doctor or a dermatologist.

What are the causes of pimples on the head?

The pimples are badly seen on the head because they are hidden by the hair but they know how to be noticed because they are sore or they manifest themselves by itches“, explains Dr. Roland Viraben, dermatologist. Several factors may be involved. For example:

  • Insect bites : The bites of certain insects can cause itching and pimples on the scalp.
  • Bacterial infections: they are mostly secondary to scratching
  • Fungal infections: Fungal infections of the scalp, such as ringworm, can cause itching, redness, and pimples
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis: It is a chronic skin condition that can affect the scalp, causing oily scaling, redness and itching. In some cases, red pimples and plaques may form“.
  • Psoriasis: it is an autoimmune disease that causes excessive proliferation of skin cells. “When it affects the scalp, it can result in thick red patches covered with silvery scales”
  • Stress flare-ups: Stress can disrupt hormonal balance and increase sebum production, which can lead to pimples on the scalp.
  • The sun : it attacks the bald scalp and in the long term leads to the formation of pimples which can degenerate

Pimples on the head that scratch: the sign of what?

Itchy pimples on the head can be a sign of different skin conditions. “In the child we think above all chicken pox but it is easily recognized because the pimples extend to the face then gradually all over the body with a downward step“, details the dermatologist. We also think with lice which mainly infest the nape of the neck. Pimples are the result of scratching. We see nits (eggs) small whitish bags attached to the hair. At all ages, it can be insect bites like mosquitoes. “They like to prick in the hair perhaps because a particular odor emerges from itspecifies our interlocutor. Finally very often the scalp scratches or “hurts” without there being any particular pimples except for some dandruff or pimples that are created by scratching; sometimes we even have a pain in the hair with an unpleasant feeling as soon as we touch them”. It is important to see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis if you experience itchy pimples on the head. A doctor or dermatologist can assess your symptoms, examine the scalp, and recommend appropriate treatment based on the underlying cause.

Pimples on the head that hurt: the sign of what?

Dandruff. When pimples don’t itch, it’s mostly usually dandruff more or less abundant more or less oilycontinues our interlocutor. The most common cause is seborrheic dermatitis which often overflows beyond the edge on the forehead. She is very dependent on the stress of fatigue…“.

Psoriasis is difficult to distinguish unless there are other locations on the body. “Wax ringworm often occurs in children who have a family history of eczema or asthma. The hair is surrounded by dandruff which forms a sheath around the hair.”

Ringworms. There are much rarer diseases that are accompanied by localized hair loss. “For example, ringworms which are mycoses (fungi) of animal and especially human origin therefore which are contagious or lupus erythematosus can cause itching, redness and painful pimples. These two skin diseases require additional examinations“.

Acne is finally rare on the scalp. It is especially acne or rather keloid folliculitis of the neck that can appear especially in men who have frizzy hair. In general, folliculitis (superficial infection of the hair) is rare or very rare on the scalp and manifests itself in particular circumstances of altered general condition: heroin addict, HIV infection, elderly subject who is bedridden for a long time. explains the dermatologist.

When and who to consult in case of pimples on the head?

It is recommended to consult a health professional – dermatologist, general practitioner or pediatrician if it is a child – if you have persistent, extensive, painful pimples with symptoms such as intense itching, redness, warmth, or discharge of pus, alert the doctor. It is also advisable to consult if the pimples on the head are getting worse, not improving with over-the-counter treatments or reappearing frequently”. During the consultation, it is useful to provide detailed information about the symptoms, including when they appeared, their evolution, possible triggers and treatments already tried. This will help the healthcare professional make an accurate diagnosis and recommend the best treatment plan for you.

What treatment to get rid of pimples on the head?

The diagnosis (and therefore the treatment) of scalp pimples is difficult since it depends on the underlying causerecognizes the specialist. He justifies a consultation with his attending physician who will refer to the specialist if necessary”. The most appropriate care is frequent use of gentle shampoos possibly daily with gentle drying. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any product residue and avoid irritating hair products. “The consultation is urgent in case of itching: it is absolutely necessary to avoid scratching“, warns the doctor.

In case of lice in the headspecific treatments to kill the lice and eliminate the nits will be necessary.

For pimples caused by acne or seborrheic dermatitisyour doctor may prescribe topical medications containing ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, or corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and fight bacterial infection.

In some cases of folliculitis (superficial hair infection), the doctor may recommend oral medications such as antibiotics, isotretinoins (an oral retinoid) or antifungals to treat the infection.

Thanks to Dr Roland Viraben, dermatologist in Toulouse and member of the National Syndicate of Venereologist Dermatologists (SNDV)
