PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – Throughout the Netherlands, church bells are ringing for peace in Ukraine between 5.15 pm and 5.30 pm. Immediately afterwards, a special ecumenical service starts in the Dom Church in Utrecht.
Scriba René de Reuver of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands presides at that service and already told about it this morning in Utrecht is Wakker on Radio M Utrecht. “It is a place where people can express their feelings of despair. We want to pray for peace, give a word of encouragement and offer hope in this deeply poignant situation.”
According to the pastor, the war is also very much alive in church circles. A lot of attention was paid to it in the service on Sunday and in the congregations we hear from people who travel to pick up refugees, others who order the Ukrainian flag to hang at the church building.
De Reuver emphasizes that the church is not only very committed to the Ukrainians, but also to many Russians. “We hear from our international contacts and from the Russian Orthodox Church here that people are ashamed of themselves. They are sad and bewildered by what is happening now by Putin and his followers.”
Burning a candle in the Domkerk
All churches in the Netherlands are supposed to ring their bells this afternoon. Before the service, people can come to the Domkerk to light a candle.
More initiatives from the church for Ukraine may follow at a later date, says Rev. De Reuver. “At the end of last week we said to each other, we have to do something to shape this. We’ll see how the situation develops. If there is reason to do so, we will pick up the thread. Locally, a lot is also happening in various municipalities and parishes.”
Due to the restrictions still in force regarding corona, a maximum of two hundred people can attend the ceremony in the Domkerk. The service will be broadcast live on NPO 2.
Fundraisers have now been launched across the region to help Ukraine. In addition, a national campaign has been set up by eleven aid organizations under the name ‘Together in action for Ukraine’. Giro 555 has also been opened for this collection.