After 10 years, The Blacklist breaks a golden rule for the series finale

After 10 years The Blacklist breaks a golden rule for

With a two-part finale, The Blacklist will say goodbye to US screens in just a few days. Before the end of the series hit, new information about the farewell to Reddington (James Spader) & Co. was released, revealing an exciting new feature in the history of the series.

The Blacklist finale leaves New York for the first time

For 10 years and 10 seasons, New York has been the mainstay of The Blacklist. In the series finale, this place is abandoned. For Reddington it’s off to Spain. For the first time, portions of the series were filmed outside of New York.

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In the final episodes of The Blacklist, Reddington must finally face his fate. After the series again and again with extreme twists came up, the end should also score with big surprises.

When is The Blacklist series finale airing?

In the US, the series finale of The Blacklist will be released as a two-part episode on July 13, 2023 aired. The German date is not fixed yet. The final episodes should come to Amazon Prime about a month later.

Podcast on the series: Why The Blacklist is so popular – and the ending will still disappoint

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In the podcast we ask ourselves two questions that have been on our mind for a long time: Why is The Blacklist so popular? And is a satisfying ending even possible? Listen up!

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