Bank of Italy announces end of support measures for banks against Covid crisis

Bank of Italy announces end of support measures for banks

(Finance) – The Bank of Italy announces the end of some measures cocesse to banks for the calculation of capital ratios with the aim of overcoming the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Having overcome the extraordinary needs linked to the pandemic, in light of the overall situation of the Italian banking and financial system and the improvement of the economic situation”, Bankitalia sets for the March 15, 2022 the term of the liquidity measurewhich allowed less significant banks to operate with a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) of less than 100%.

At the same time, the Istituto di Via Nazionale establishes that it will not be extended beyond 31 December 2022 the measure regarding the capital bufferwhich allowed less significant banks and non-bank intermediaries to operate under the CCB and / or P2G.

Then confirmed for March 31, 2022 the term up to which less significant banks will be able to to exclude from the overall exposure measure used for the calculation of the leverage ratio some exposures to central banks.

No decision on the matter of dividends, however. “The Bank of Italy – reads a note – remains committed to verifying that the dividend distribution policies of intermediaries are based on cautionin light of the uncertainty that still concerns the evolution of the macroeconomic prospects “.
