In the spotlight: a week after the urban riots, the French press takes a step back

In the spotlight a week after the urban riots the

And it is the geography of these violences on which lean The cross And The worldbased on this observation : the map of the 2023 riots is no longer that of the “ warm suburbs “. “ If France is not in its first wave of urban violence, notice The World, these had never been so extensive or generalized, from the largest urban centers to the smallest agglomerations. »

553 cities were affected “, precise The cross. The daily notes that: this map only very partially coincides with that of sensitive neighborhoods, on the one hand, and with that of the 2005 riots on the other “. And above all, this map evolves as the nights of riots. During the premiere, the violence is concentrated in the suburbs of Paris “, underline The world, before expanding to smaller towns the following day. Grenoble, Rennes, Beauvais but also Évreux or Alençon, “ medium-sized towns, this is unprecedented, are also affected “.

In Vernon, Migennes or Oyonnax, fires targeted institutions and mortar fire targeted the police. For The crossa professor of sociology delivers his analysis : “ Cities far from metropolitan areas experience the same phenomena of urban segregation. Living conditions there are sometimes even more difficult, but as these neighborhoods are smaller, they receive less attention from the public authorities. “.

An evolution of the targets of violence

With a new phenomenon according to The cross : “ The scenes of looting in city centers “. For the daily, these acts are more the work of neighborhood youth who feel ostracized “. On social networks, observe The world the seriousness and the anger of the first hours fades in favor of a certain jubilation in front of the “craziness” of each other “.

Why does the spark of anger set fire to this city and not to another ? “, asks himself The cross. The sociologist Michel Kokoreff, quoted by the newspaper, remarks that “ the situation very quickly degenerated in the Paris region in cities like Asnières or Mantes-la-Jolie, where the situation is notoriously very degraded between young people and the municipality “.

It is therefore not necessary “, according to him, “ underestimating local dynamics, the importance of relations between cities, associations and the population “. “ A point on which insisted, in 2018, the report of Jean-Louis Borloo buried by Emmanuel Macron », concludes The cross.

Start of the holidays under the sign of inflation

Purchasing power, on the road to cheap holidays “, title Le Parisien-Today in France for who “ the rise in prices and the new school calendar are upsetting the summer habits of families, who seek to avoid the period mid-July, mid-August “.

So there are those who leave earlier, like Xavier, 45, already in the Bay of Somme for the holidays. His four children have skip school “, precise The Parisian. Good pick according to the father, who says he has benefited from very attractive promotions and prices. Result, notes a federation of travel companies : we observe “ a better distribution of holidays over the three summer months “.

The problem of over-tourism in certain regions

Porquerolles, Brehat, the Mont Saint MichelLe Figaro is interested in these French tourist jewels which “ seek parade in the face of overcrowding “. The daily takes the example of Gordes, in the Vaucluse, “ its typical cobbled streets of the Luberon, its breathtaking panorama, its Cistercian abbey and its smells of lavender “. All somewhat marred by “ too many cars, tourists, Instagrammable photo breaks “.

Like other tourist destinations in France, Gordes is a victim of its own success, “ ranked the most beautiful village in the world by an American magazine “. Result : a million tourists flock each year to this small village of 2000 residents. And this is just one example among many… In Gironde, Le Figaro notes “ the dark side of a high-speed azure coast with giant liners, jet skis and rising prices “.

All is not lost, however, according to Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of Tourism quoted by the daily : “ If we want to unclog overcrowded sites, we must bring out other tourist destinations. […] France is full of beautiful places that locals know well, and foreigners not at all “. It therefore remains to make them known, but not too much either. !
