“Journal du Dimanche”: journalists from L’Express financially support the strikers

Journal du Dimanche journalists from LExpress financially support the strikers

The Society of Journalists (SDJ) of L’Express wishes to show solidarity with the Sunday newspaper with a donation of 1,000 euros in support of the strike by journalists from JDD protesting against the appointment of Geoffroy Lejeune, former managing editor of the far-right weekly Current values.

Beyond the symbolic sum, it is a question of expressing our dismay at the appointment to the position of editorial director of a journalist responsible for hateful content, condemned by the courts, in contradiction with ethics and incompatible with democratic values ​​carried by the JDD for seventy-five years.

The editorial staff of L’Express (which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year) adopted in 2022, in agreement with the president of the weekly Alain Weill, a charter of editorial independence which gives journalists a right of veto when appointing a new editorial director.

The philosophy of this code of ethics consists precisely in guarding against the appointment to this post of any extremist journalist, militant, convicted by the courts or whose profile would damage the reputation of L’Express who, like the JDD, belongs to the democratic heritage of our country.
