25-year-old lets check for €1,840 expire – “An example of why you shouldn’t give money to streamers”

Emily “ExtraEmily” Zhang is an aspiring streamer on Twitch. The 25-year-old is cool to the point of self-abandonment, but that can seem aloof to outsiders. Now there’s a discussion about a check and that “normal people” shouldn’t give the influencers any money at all.

Who is the streamer?

  • ExtraEmily is one of the coolest “new streamers” on Twitch. She has only been on the platform since 2020, but has built a career in 3 years that others took much longer to build.
  • In 2023 she has really arrived on Twitch, has found a place with Asmongold and his trendy streamer clique “One True King”, has around 6,100 viewers when she streams and is considered very popular because she has an idiosyncratic, dry sense of humor. Somehow she always seems as if you can see her every thought immediately on the tip of her nose.
  • On Twitch she shows games like Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Galaxy, but mostly she’s on Just Chatting, where she has significantly more viewers than when she’s playing.
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    Check for $2,000 rotting in the center console

    This is what I noticed now: ExtraEmily was in her car with a streamer friend called “Nmplol”. The 32-year-old is also with One True King.

    Nmplol complained in the drive-through that the car was too small and that you could hardly eat properly in it. Emily proudly pointed out a roomy compartment by the cup holders in the center console. When it was opened, Nmplol said, puzzled, “There’s a check.”

    “It’s expired,” admits the streamer. She quickly adds, almost in a panic: “I couldn’t redeem it in time because I couldn’t do it on my mobile!” I had to go to the bank and they were a long way away… so I just didn’t do it.” So it’s not really her fault, she seems to suggest, while realizing that that sounds pretty silly.

    But the streamer doesn’t let her get away with it so easily and switches to “adult talks to a teenager” mode. He takes a closer look at the check and then exclaims in horror, “What the heck? This is a $2,000 check and it expires in 90 days?”

    The streamer has to laugh and squeaks in 3 voices higher and with a slightly red face: “I forgot!”

    But she has to listen to a lecture with obvious guilt about how you can only waste $2,000 because you’re too lazy to go to the bank.

    “They write checks for people just like you because they speculate you won’t cash them”

    How did that come about? The streamer explains the money was from a poker sponsorship story. You won that. She’s wondering why they’re giving her a check anyway.

    But the older streamer also has an answer: The company knows very well that people like Emily simply let the checks expire and speculate on them. Then they could save themselves the $2,000.

    “It worked for me,” says the streamer with a slight sigh, maybe she could get a new check made out.

    “Yes,” says the streamer, “do that.”

    “Well, maybe,” replies the streamer. The way to the bank is just so long and so difficult.

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    How is this discussed? You can tell from the conversation that Nmplol has an understanding of how much $2,000 is, while the ExtraEmily seems to be totally missing.

    In the comments on the clip on reddit, one is shocked at how aloof it looks. Because for normal people, $2,000 is a month’s salary. Many draw a clear conclusion:

  • “Remember never donate money to these people.”
  • “It’s crazy that multi-millionaires like Esfand still have 6,000 subs on Twitch: And they always use the ‘if you want to support the stream’ excuse: while they make $50,000 a month from advertising alone.”
  • “Another example of why you should stop subscribing to streamers. You don’t need the emotes. They don’t need your support. Watching as a collective is worth so much.”
  • Another user adds: “The company sponsors should pay their salaries. There is no reason as individuals to support these people with your own hard-earned money.”
  • Others also point out how much money the influencers make through sponsorship deals. Streamer Tectone got $35,000 from Lost Ark – an annual salary for a few streams on Twitch.

    More about ExtraEmily:

    Twitch: 28-year-old lies to her viewers and is terribly bad at it – clip goes viral
