Cancer 2023 figures: why has the number of cases doubled in France?

Cancer 2023 figures why has the number of cases doubled

The number of new cases of cancer has almost doubled in France, with an increase of 98% in men and 104% in women, announced the National Cancer Institute on July 4, 2023.

In France, cancer is the leading cause of death in men, and the second in women (after cardiovascular diseases). I’National Cancer Institute (INCa) published the third edition of the Panorama of cancers in France on July 4 2023. This new edition reveals the main cancer figures in France : those who are the more frequentTHE deadliestnumber of new cases each year, the differences between men and women…

A 104% increase in cancers in women

The projection of the number of new cases of cancer in 2023 in our country amounts to 433,136: 245,610 in men (57%) and 187,526 (43%) in women. Thus, between 1990 and 2023, the number of new cases of cancer doubledwith a 98% increase in cancers in men and of 104% in women, all locations combined. In the latter, two cancers increase in a “worrying” way: the lung cancer and the pancreatic cancer. INCa also reveals that approximately 1,850 children and 450 adolescents are newly diagnosed with cancer each year in France. The 5-year survival rate, often synonymous with recovery, now exceeds 80%.

The aging of the population explains 48% of the additional cases of cancer in men

“This increase is mainly linked to demographic changes (78% of the increase in incidence in men and 57% in women) and secondarily to an increase in risk of cancer linked to our behaviors and lifestyles explains the INCa.

population increase explains 30% of the additional cases of cancer in men and 30% in women.

the ageing of the population explain 48% of additional cases of cancer in men and 27% in women. I’median age at diagnosis is 70 years and 68 years respectively in men and women.

► the smoking is responsible for 28.5% of new cancer cases in men and 9.3% in women

the alcohol is responsible for 8.5% of new cases of cancer in men and 7.5% in women (the incidence of cancers of the lips-mouth-pharynx is higher in certain departments in the north and west where alcohol consumption is also higher).

unbalanced diet is responsible for 0.6% of new cases of cancer in men and 2.3% in women

air pollution exterior is responsible for 0.6% of new cases of cancer in men and 0.3% in women

INCa recalls that nearly half of cancers could be prevented by changing our bad habits, i.e. more than 170,000 fewer new cases of cancer each year in France.
