The most frequent cancers in France (2023, women, men)

The most frequent cancers in France 2023 women men

More than 430,000 new cancers are diagnosed each year in France. Prostate, breast, lung, digestive… Here are the most common according to the latest INCa updates in 2023.

[Mise à jour le 4 juillet 2023 à 11h05] The projection of the number of new cases of cancer in 2023 in France amounts to 433 136according to figures updated by the National Cancer Institute (INCa) in July 2023. “The latest estimates describe a situationn rather encouraging in men, with a decrease in incidence or stability for the most frequent cancers. At the womentwo cancers in particular show a worrying increase: lung cancer and pancreatic cancerargues the INCa. Cancers are the leading cause of death in men in France and the second in women. here are the most common cancers.

What is the most common cancer in women?

Female cancers represent 43% of new cancer cases each year in France. Their number increased by 104% between 1990 and 2023. The three most common cancers in women are:

  1. breast cancer (33% of cancers in women): 61,214 cases, +0.3% between 1990 and 2023
  2. colorectal cancer (11% of female cancers): 21,370 cases, +0.4%
  3. lung cancer (10% of female cancers): 19,339 cases, +4.3%

What is the most common cancer in men?

Male cancers represent 57% of new cancer cases each year in France. Their number increased by 98% between 1990 and 2023. The three most common cancers in men are:

  1. prostate cancer (24% of male cancers): 59,885 cases, -1.1%
  2. lung cancer (14%): 33,438 cases, -0.5%
  3. colorectal cancer (11%): 26,212 cases, -0.5%

What is the most common cancer in children and adolescents?

Each year in France, approximately 1,850 children and 450 adolescents are newly diagnosed with cancer. The 5-year survival rate, often synonymous with recovery, exceeds 80% in 2023. The most common cancers in the 0-15 age group (children) are:

  1. leukemia (28% of pediatric cancers)
  2. central nervous system tumors (26%)
  3. lymphomas (10%)

The most common cancers in the 15-17 age group (adolescents) are:

  1. lymphomas (27%)
  2. central nervous system tumors (17%)
  3. leukemia (14%)
