Let Sweden in when Turkey does

Facts: Sweden’s path towards NATO

Sweden applied for membership in NATO, in parallel with Finland, on 18 May last year. Turkey initially said no, but just over a month later still reached an agreement with Sweden and Finland on measures to reach an agreement. This includes, among other things, cooperation regarding threats to Turkey’s national security, condemnation of terrorist organizations and removal of arms embargoes.

On July 5, 2022, Sweden and Finland received formal status as prospective members, “invitees” in English. Already on the same day, some of the first ratifications of the memberships, which were already done in advance in June from among others Norway, Denmark and Iceland, were confirmed.

For Finland, the process ended in April this year when membership became completely clear after Hungary and Turkey became the last NATO countries to ratify the country’s application.

For Sweden, 29 out of 31 countries have ratified – Turkey and Hungary remain.

— If something happens there, then Hungary will of course live up to its promise not to stand in the way of any country regarding membership, says Szijjártó and refers to Turkey’s stance.

Turkey and Hungary are the only ones of the 31 NATO countries that have not yet approved Sweden’s application for membership in the defense alliance. Hungary has promised several times not to stand in the way of Sweden’s membership.

Szijjártó says he will have “close and continuous” contact with his Turkish counterpart in the coming time.

Furthermore, he says that Turkey will hold discussions with “the Swedes and NATO leaders” in the coming days to try to break the deadlock that prevails regarding Sweden’s application.

On Tuesday next week, July 11, the NATO summit begins in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius.

In March, Hungary dropped its objections to Finland’s membership in NATO when it became clear that Turkey was about to admit the country.
