The friend’s grief after the fatal accident at Gröna Lund: “Want to say goodbye”

The friends grief after the fatal accident at Grona Lund
Gröna Lund opens again

Updated 23:17 | Published 22:49

A 35-year-old woman died in the accident at Gröna Lund.

Today, mourners have gathered in the amusement park.

– I’m here to honor my friend who died and to say goodbye to her, says Madelene.

In front of the light blue roller coaster rails is a sea of ​​flowers and lit candles.

Eight days have passed since the fatal accident at Gröna Lund when a 35-year-old woman died and several others were seriously injured when the Jetline train partially derailed.

Today, hundreds have gathered in the park to mourn and show their support for those affected.

One of them is Madelene who was friends with the woman who died.

full screenLaila and Madelene were there to honor their friend. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

– I am here to honor my friend and because I want to say goodbye to her, she says.

Opened for the first time

The silence echoes among the stationary rides.

Madelene stands and takes cover from the rain pouring down on the amusement park.

Sometimes she hugs her mother Laila, who she also knew the woman who died.

– It has been very difficult to take in what has happened. I have a hard time understanding that I will never be able to talk to my friend again, says Madelene.

The gates to the theme park opened for the first time since the accident on Monday.

Until Wednesday, entry to the park is free, with rides, restaurants and sales outlets closed – to give loved ones as well as the public the opportunity to honor the victims in silence.

– It’s nice that we mourners get these days to be here, says Laila and continues:

– I feel completely devastated, but eventually we have to move on. We need to heal and I think the first step is to be here today.

“Gathering with colleagues and guests”

Also present in the park is Philip Lincoln, who has been working at Gröna Lund for several years.

– What has happened is absolutely terrible. We in the staff have really been affected and touched. That’s why I’m here today, to gather with my colleagues and the park’s guests, he says.

full screen Philip Collin and August Plym went to the park to honor those affected. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

When the accident occurred, Philip Lincoln was hosting the Blue Train ride.

– I was completely in shock, everyone in the staff was completely in shock and all the guests were completely in shock. We immediately understood the seriousness when the entire park had to be evacuated.

He describes the time after the accident as tough and that he is looking forward to the park’s reopening on Wednesday.

– I think it will be a very special and sad day, but hopefully a day where we can heal together.

Former colleague August Plym has also made it to Gröna Lund on Monday.

– It feels strange that something so terrible happened in a place where I felt and feel so very well. I really love Gröna Lund and the park means an incredible amount to me, says August Plym.

full screen Gröna Lund’s CEO Jan Eriksson. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

“We have to investigate ourselves”

The reason for Jetline’s derailment has not yet been determined and Gröna Lund’s CEO Jan Eriksson does not want to preempt the National Accident Commission’s investigation.

– I don’t want to speculate on Jetline’s future now. The important thing is to now understand how this could happen. Only when we have all the cards on the table can we make a decision about Jetline’s future.

What is your responsibility in what happened?

– I am overall responsible for operations here at Gröna Lund and we really get to examine ourselves. And that is what we have done now that the park has been closed.

What would you say to those who feel apprehensive about visiting the park after what happened?

– I understand that you can feel worried after an event like this. We have done everything in our power to ensure safety. Our attractions are safe and you can feel safe riding attractions with us.
