Our grandmothers used sugar and yeast to make a mosquito trap, this technique is super effective

Our grandmothers used sugar and yeast to make a mosquito

Thanks to this grandmother’s trick, say stop to mosquito bites this summer. With an empty bottle and only 3 ingredients, you can craft a really effective trap. We explain to you.

In summer, it’s always the same problem, mosquitoes give us a hard time! So if you want to avoid chemical products sold on the market to spend a quiet summer without mosquitoes, you can opt for equipment such as mosquito nets on the windows, or for natural repellents such as cloves, lavender, basil, geraniums… The essential oils of lemongrass, Egyptian geranium or lemon eucalyptus are also effective in repelling small animals.

But we have even better, a trap well known to our grandmothers, very effective in overcoming mosquitoes. To make it, you will need a 1.5 L plastic water bottle, 50 grams of brown sugar, half a sachet of baker’s yeast and 20cl of warm water. Here’s how to make the trap:

  1. Cut the bottle two-thirds down from the bottom.
  2. Pour 20cl of lukewarm water into the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Add the sugar and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Leave the preparation to cool.
  5. Once it’s cold, you can sprinkle the baker’s yeast. Be careful, do not mix with the rest of the preparation.
  6. Take the upper part of the bottle that you cut before, turn it over in the other part that contains your mixture. Important, the neck must be soaked in the preparation.
  7. Place the trap in a dark room.
  8. Otherwise, a sheet of black paper will have to be fixed around the bottle with adhesive tape.
  9. Wait two weeks before the trap is really effective. Important: the trap must not move during these two weeks to prevent the yeast from mixing with the rest.

With that, you will be quiet for at least fifteen days! Worth a try, right?
