Prevention meeting: the recommendations of the High Council for Public Health

Prevention meeting the recommendations of the High Council for Public

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    The Minister of Health François Braun wants to set up free prevention appointments from the end of 2023, to be carried out at certain key ages in life. The High Council for Public Health offers recommendations for their implementation.

    On November 9, 2022, the senators adopted one of the government’s proposals in the draft Social Security budget for 2023 (PLFSS): the establishment of health prevention appointments, at key stages of the life.

    Health appointments at different key ages of life

    These prevention meetings are aimed at the following age groups: 18-25 years old, 45-50 years old, 60-65 years old, 70-75 years old. The people concerned will be informed by Health Insurance of the opening of these appointments.

    The interest of these prevention appointments is not to reach the public who go to see their doctor every month and who have a perfectly regular follow-up. But it’s good to seek out the audiences who are currently the furthest from care and health“said the Minister of Health François Braun.

    The recommendations of the High Council for Public Health

    After these announcements, the High Council for Public Health made various recommendations:

    • The prevention appointment must be organized around the general practitioner in a coordinated approach of territorialized management by providing the professionals in charge of the appointments with adequate training;
    • The content of the meeting must be adapted to the person’s age and priorities, and take into account lifestyle habits such as physical activity, diet, addictions, mental health, personal environment ;
    • It is desirable to set up a territorial governance for the upstream and downstream implementation of the prevention system as well as a steering committee associating national actors, territorial actors, and users in order to structure the system. information and evaluation of the system and prevention actions.

    The point of view of Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo

    I agree with these recommendations, which combine the curative and preventive aspects. But in order to be able to carry out prevention, we need attending physicians throughout the territory. There is an urgent need to restore the image of this speciality, to motivate young doctors to set up shop and to offer them attractive working, living and career development conditions. Without a doctor, prevention will suffer. These recommendations are commendable but will remain a dead letter if we continue to denigrate general medicine. Prevention is not the prerogative of doctors but they are an essential cog”.
